Is your weight loss goal ideal?



  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    I'm sorry, I don't have a confident answer for your first question. As for your second question, yes. I want to be 115 lbs. Everyone is like "are you sure? I think that's too low for your height and weight". I know two people, Reby Hardy (aka Reby Sky) and Jennie Garth. 5' 5.5" and 115 lbs. Why is it so terrible for me?
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    I'm actually at a weight now that I hadn't been since I was 12 years old, but still 63lbs too heavy, so every pound lost now for me is totally new.

    I'm trying to get just in range of the BMI 25...

    giving myself a realistic 12 months to do it since i have limited mobility :)

    Be fantastic to just go in any store and look at normal sizes for 1st time in my life.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm sorry, I don't have a confident answer for your first question. As for your second question, yes. I want to be 115 lbs. Everyone is like "are you sure? I think that's too low for your height and weight". I know two people, Reby Hardy (aka Reby Sky) and Jennie Garth. 5' 5.5" and 115 lbs. Why is it so terrible for me?

    There are far more variables involved than just fat...that seems to be lost on so many people. You have to consider your frame, LBM, etc...there's way more involved than just fat. It may or may not be an appropriate goal for you...but a lot of people...most people just pick some arbitrary number without considering all of the variables. It's actually kind of sad.
  • crystalstinson7
    crystalstinson7 Posts: 101 Member
    My initial goal was 135lbs (I'm 5'3"). This is what I weighed in high school. After high school and after I had a kid, I weighed, at my lowest--at which point I looked like I was on crack, 118lbs. I knew I needed to hit, at the highest, 135lbs, and not go to or lower than 118lbs. That gives me a lot of wiggle room!!! I'm currently 137lbs, and I'm thinking about trying to drop another 10lbs to see what that does to my body. I'm not 100% happy with it from an aesthetic standpoint, but I'm very happy to be healthier!!

    My advice would be to have an idea, but don't have it set in stone. Things will change as you lose weight. Be flexible. Good luck!
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    I'm sorry, I don't have a confident answer for your first question. As for your second question, yes. I want to be 115 lbs. Everyone is like "are you sure? I think that's too low for your height and weight". I know two people, Reby Hardy (aka Reby Sky) and Jennie Garth. 5' 5.5" and 115 lbs. Why is it so terrible for me?

    There are far more variables involved than just fat...that seems to be lost on so many people. You have to consider your frame, LBM, etc...there's way more involved than just fat. It may or may not be an appropriate goal for you...but a lot of people...most people just pick some arbitrary number without considering all of the variables. It's actually kind of sad.

    Thank you, I agree. But at the same time, I have a small frame, and I've also weighed 115 before. I felt really comfortable when I was 111-116. A few years ago I got down to 121, but I still had a belly...
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    I look quite good now. So I no longer have a goal weight. Just a goal of improving strength and fitness and just being the best I can be. I figure as long as i really keep pushing myself physically and eating mostly healthy food it will actually be rather difficult for me to gain bad weight.
  • epona08
    epona08 Posts: 39 Member
    If you ask my mother or a doctor, the answer would probably be no. However, I'm doing this for me in regards to being healthier/more fit and being a better equestrian. My goal weight of 150 on my 5'4" frame is still probably large and my mother would much rather I get down to 120 pounds.

    I maintained a range of 135-160 pounds all through college and generally speaking I was fairly pleased with that most days. I know I felt good, I know I was healthy and I generally thought I looked good. Now I work 45-60 hour work weeks at a desk job and am gone from 7:30am-7pm every day or from 7:30am-9pm on nights that I go to the barn and ride, so I tend to eat a lot of fast food for convenience and range from 188-195 pounds. I really do not think that 120 pounds is reasonable for me at this point in my life, especially since I haven't been that small since I was a sophomore in high school.

    If, once I get to my goal weight, I feel as though I'm not happy then I will consider losing more weight/weightlifting to tone and evaluate from there.
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    When I set up my account I put a goal that was overweight by current standards, I just picked a number close to ideal and went with it. Ive always been overweight so i had no idea what I'd look like at a certain weight so i picked a number and went with it. However as time went on I decided to lower my goal into the healthy range but not by months, but recently Ive decided to ignore weight altogether and aim for a fitness goal of running x miles in X time etc still in a deficit will still would bring my weight down.
  • squishycatmew
    squishycatmew Posts: 151 Member
    My goal weight is 10 pounds heavier than the highest "ideal weight" I could find calculated for my age/height. It's less than I've weighed since I was in middle school, and given how I looked in high school at 10-15 lbs over my current goal, with less muscle mass than I have now… I can't imagine that hitting my "ideal" weight would look healthy. At 26 pounds above my goal, I am plump but normal-looking and can easily buy straight-sized clothing that fits (well, "easily" - I am not proportioned like a fit model), can easily buy rings and bracelets that fit my fingers and wrists - basically the only thing I can't buy is normal-width calf-height boots, because I have giant legs (something that will probably only be somewhat reduced as I continue to lose weight, since a lot of the width is muscle). Losing much more than 25-30 more pounds seems like it simply wouldn't be healthy or sustainable.
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    I don't know. The top of the healthy weight range for my height (5'4) is listed as 130. I'm currently 179. I just can't imagine myself 50 lbs lighter. It seems tiny to me. Right now my goal is 155-160. When I get there, I'll reevaluate.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    My goal weight is 10 pounds heavier than the highest "ideal weight" I could find calculated for my age/height. It's less than I've weighed since I was in middle school, and given how I looked in high school at 10-15 lbs over my current goal, with less muscle mass than I have now… I can't imagine that hitting my "ideal" weight would look healthy. At 26 pounds above my goal, I am plump but normal-looking and can easily buy straight-sized clothing that fits (well, "easily" - I am not proportioned like a fit model), can easily buy rings and bracelets that fit my fingers and wrists - basically the only thing I can't buy is normal-width calf-height boots, because I have giant legs (something that will probably only be somewhat reduced as I continue to lose weight, since a lot of the width is muscle). Losing much more than 25-30 more pounds seems like it simply wouldn't be healthy or sustainable.

    I have NEVER been able to fit into boots, even when I had extremely low bodyfat.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I don't know. The top of the healthy weight range for my height (5'4) is listed as 130. I'm currently 179. I just can't imagine myself 50 lbs lighter. It seems tiny to me. Right now my goal is 155-160. When I get there, I'll reevaluate.

    145lbs is actually the top of the healthy BMI range (24.9) for someone 5'4.

    130lbs is closer to the middle of the healthy BMI range (22.3).