I've been trying to google this with little success. On my Wednesday morning jog (really short, only 2 miles). I wore a compression sleeve on one leg and wrapped the other in an ace bandage (couldn't find the other sleeve) to try to combat what feels like the beginning of shin splints (combination of old shoes and…
UGH. So. effing. frustrated. I managed to injure my hip flexor during my first 10K race last week and I'm resigning myself to take a week off of running/spinning. Which SUCKS because I have 1/2 marathon training to do!!! I'm trying to make myself feel better by telling myself that the 1/2 isn't until January and I have…
Hello! I've been running 5Ks for a little over a year and this summer I started training for a 10K that I'm running this Saturday. I've noticed that once I get over the 1 hour running mark I start getting pain in my big toe, like I'm running on a pebble. I'm 99% sure it's the big rock-hard callous I have on the bottom of…