Does anyone know of some good desk workout tricks? I'm use to having a job where I ran around a lot since it was retail and now I'm currently at a desk job so my fast pace work mode has stopped and with that I've added a few LBS :( I don't know of any or where to really look for them. Any advice would be amazing! Thanks!
Okay, I normally don't start my own topic, but I need help...or amazing suggestions on how to eat correctly. I know that may sound a little silly, but I have a problem. Basically one day I don't eat enough calories and the next day I eat way to many. I'm 26 years old and I'm sick of being this size. I know starving myself…
Hey, just wanted to post on here that I'm new...I'm aiming at losing about 75 pounds. I know it's going to be super tough and I hope I can get a lot of support on here since I don't have any friends locally who want to try and be workout buddies or anything like that.