Turning over a new leaf, because I really wanna lose weight, about 25ish pounds. I just started using FitStar in the mornings, doing half hour work outs. Today is day two and I'm a little sore. I'm wondering if I should push through the soreness and do another work out tomorrow? I want to try and do work outs five days a…
Just started going to the gym about a month ago, and I'm not really sure what to do there/how long to do each exercise for. I want to tone up my stomach/abs/love handles as well as my thighs. But I want to work in some cardio too. I got for 20-30 mins 3 times a week after work. I do the ab curler machine, and the machine…
I've heard a lot of users throw around the word 'deficit' or calorie deficit. Can someone explain to me what that is? And spot reduction is new too. I know what that means but it seems unfair. I go to the gym and do the ab crunch machine, does that mean I won't tone up my abs or lose any weight?! I want to tone my middle…
I'm going through a phase or something, where Im really into rice..and I want to eat it every day for breakfast..or most days. With some soy sauce. How healthy is this??