Hi There , I was very successful 2 years ago in losing 28 lbs on a low carb diet . The carb creap has hit me and I have slowly gained back 18lbs of that and I feel like I don't even know where to start . I have always been very active but have found now that I am so mad at myself for letting me slip back that I can't even…
I started attending Boot Camp Classes about 4 times a week and its a 60 minute class. Now I have never done this type of workout for very long , a class here and there . I have always been the type to focus on cardio for weight loss and I am wondering What time a change will I see with this type of class ? Will my weight…
Ok. So I am almost at my 50 day streak and really frusrated with only 3 lbs lost . I really dont understand . I stay within my calories up until this weekend I have been eating awesome I think , I do boot camp 4 days a week . Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong ?
Hi There , I have heard good things about carb cycling and I am wondering if anyone could help me with some guidelines to get started ......