I have NO idea how to work out how many calories it MIGHT be, there website has no information... where do i go from here?
I don't get it , i do nothing, eat like a slob, that contains 6 pieces toast a day etc and I stay the same, a month ago i decided to make a change to try to drop some kg... so i gave up toast, opting for corn crackers with lite cottage cheese for breakfast and salad for lunch, started doing 30 mins min exercise a day.. and…
I do not have a heart rate monitor or nothing, I am curently using mapmyfitness which is cool the way it tracks etc, but would like something a little better that gives me challenges??? compares same tracks etc??? is there such a thing? FREE?
I normally am very sedentary, sit often and eat lots crap, ie big bag chips a day, chocolate, biscuits crap etc..... I decided three weeks ago, to do some exercise everyday and change this between jogging, cycling walking for around 20-30mins aday, cut out most the crap and havent lost a thing, actualy put half a kg…