Food Addiction - Little Helpers
Portion Control I live in a house with other people and it's more economic to buy a pizza to share. Maybe it's not the healthiest start out, but I know that most people only eat 1 or 2 slices. I would sit and wait for everyone to finish and then I would eat the remaining slices. We are talking 4 to 5 pieces on a 16" pie.…
Impulse Eating (Food Addiction Help)
I am on the go a lot. The drive thru has been my best friend and worst enemy. Just yesterday I rolled into Sonic to get a chicken sandwich (not the healthiest) and rolled out with a Double-cheese burger and tots (WTF). It's half-way gone before I realize how quickly I was thinking one thing and saying another. Has anyone…
Sugar-Free Pilsbury
Just FYI, for a laugh. I made a Sugar-Free Birthday Cake for my sister last night. My rear-end became a Butt-Trumpet for the Brian Setzer Orchestra ALL NIGHT LONG! I remember when my parents were diabetic and Hershey first came out with Sugar Free Chocolate. My Dad, a super food addict, downed a whole bag in a day. He…
Super Obesity is here to save her own day!
Hi Everybody, My name is Shayna and I'm scldragonfish. I've been on the site since September and decided to say hello. I Blog and have added a recipe or two. I accidentally found this website because I was looking for a calorie counting app on my phone. I really love it! I feel better each time I enter information in, but…