As a serial starter, I try to remind myself that I am never a failure, because I keep trying. No matter how many times you fall, just get back up.
My calorie count is a bit higher because I am starting out....bigger. But I have learned that the first thing you can do is log what you are regularly eating now, even if it goes over the mark. Then investigate what is causing the most calorie, fat, carbs and sugar in your regular meals and reduce or cut them out to get to…
Being trapped in your house can be blessing or a curse. We are in the a flood zone of Louisiana and can't leave our house. We are doing just fine. My fiance and I are both trying to eat healthy, so there are no really bad snacks in the house. With our electricity on, we are cooking up recipes to save because we just went…
Calny - Hope you don't mind a little history lesson. The Vietnam war started in the late 1950s when the Draft was still in effect. Before he was elected President Lyndon Johnson's wife had a family arms business and made money hand over fist during the war with government contracts. The company made the first untested…
On another note....I really love watching Olympics and stuff like Ninja Warrior and Parkour because I was never able to do those things. I admire them so much! Not only discipline wise, but because they have a physiology I will never attain. It's like admiring a painter because I don't have those skills.
My dad was exposed to chemicals in Vietnam that left me with some birth defects. Spina Bifida, Extra bones in my feet and neck that had to be removed. Exercise has never been anything less than a war with pain. However, Biking is the only way I can get any cardio done. When you are starting out, it's tough. Sometimes the…
Hi, Self-Sabotager here. The minute I do well, I start eating wrong. I thought I would give this a shot. OA is a bunch of whiners, who make me want a cheeseburger and fries after each meeting. No big surprise, but feeling ashamed makes me feel depressed, which stresses me out, which makes me eat. OA wagon anyone?
What part of 'Super Obese' didn't you understand? Even if I was healthy and allowed a 'treat' I still wouldn't go there because of all the sodium and cholesterol. People drop dead from that stuff everyday, healthy or not.
Fantastic Hair! I'm so envious!
Your dreaming dude. Even if they have low calorie, the sodium content is awful. From the Super Obese Food Addict angle. I try not to frequent any place with the temptation of making a wrong choice. My brain acts like an impulse buyer and tries to convince me that if I eat the healthy stuff, I can have a regular side dish…
Amazing dicipline