Serial Starters



  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Thanks! I will check it out! :)
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks Sara- this looks good. I might try with eggplant since I have one sitting here-
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Tough Sunday. Started out good but lunch went a bit off the rails, supper was good, snacks were out of whack. Had planned for a good walk but discovered I was behind on my spent the evening doing homework and watching the Olympics. Good plan for the week with groceries purchased this afternoon. Determined to stick with it.

    Brother's fitness business is having a 30-day no soda challenge beginning September 10th. I have told him I will participate. You all probably know it is hard for me to give up pop. I love it! But I will participate for his sake - and mine!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Monday, Monday - cant trust that day...... up .2 from last week. Tracking and moving forwards.

    Sending good thoughts Lana - let us know how you are doing.

    8 entrees in fridge freezer for week. Keeps the Evil Junk Food voices quiet.

    Wishing all a good Monday.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Sara - I love your comment "Keeps the Evil Junk Food voices quiet"!!!
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Monday morning...

    I am such a wimp and have not faced the scale since before our camping trip. Feeling good that this weekend stayed more "on track" than any recent weekends. Yesterday was the "bad" day for lunch and snacks. Going to be hot and muggy today with rain likely tonight. Looks like I'll walk on the treadmill while I watch the Olympics. Really going to work hard to stay strict this week so I can let loose a little bit on Friday night. Younger kids are having a sleepover at grandpa & grandma's house and DH and I are having a date night. Some shopping for work clothes for DH, then dinner/drinks, and a movie. We haven't had a night out in a long time.

    Final week of personal finance class I am taking. Glad it has been manageable but not sure I'll ever take a summer class again. The nice weather and kids time off of school is too short for me to have to worry about homework. During the school year, we are more "in the groove" with everyone having homework. It's also DH's final full week at home before he has to go back to work for in-service. He starts teaching again August 22nd.
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Happy Monday-

    QOTW: What will you do this week to keep you motivated.

    AOTW: I am joining the gym tonight. My two friends go to this gym so there is enough people/times to get my butt there.

    Where you all live, do you find the big gyms (24hr fitness etc) have been replaced by more of these store front Cross-fit type of gyms? I think younger people (20s) are more into the cross fit/group training, rather than running on a hamster wheel in a long row.

    Ate so/so this weekend, the good news (and maybe that had to do with my 2lb gain) was that it was TOM. Being that I am going on 48, things are a bit scattered and so I never know when it's coming and sometimes have symptoms and there is nothing going on. Ahh good times.

    Still haven't gotten the barb q grill lit. The ignitor isnt working and I know I just have to p ut the match in the hole and turn the knob but a little scared.

    Lana- hope your appointment at MSK goes well. Sending out good thoughts-

    Annie- How was the personal finance class? Was it an online course? What grade/subject does your husband teach. Must be nice to have him home. My girlfriend is a teacher and so is her husband. They have the best summers. They take their kids everywhere. Being that she sees him so much, she also has time to hang out with friends because she knows he is home the same time with her.

    Sara- Way to go with getting the 8 entrees in. I have some stuff ready to cook tonight-

    Hope Liz and Chamie are doing well. Anyone hear from them?

    Oh- NSV. I dont think it's from weight but rather from finally moving around. I started to notice that if I was down on one knee (like half knelt), I could not get myself up, I had to use my hands and pull myself up on something to get up. That bummed me out so much- last night, I was on one knee and just putting my hands on that bent knee I was able to get up. I also am wearing a bra that is not feeling so tight around me.

    Have a good start of the week!

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Good morning! Not sure I have an AOTW....I don't know how I will get hard these days. I try my best to move as much as I can, the days I work...just can't seem to do anything on my days off. Soo much stress I'm completely exhausted at the end of my week. I'll really think about this answer.... I know there's something... Just can't figure it out
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Checking in.....
    Flying through....
    Hitting the health club for water exercise at 2pm....

    Lana, towel and beach bag on favorite lounge chair next to Tillie, who is patiently waiting for Sara.....
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    next to Tillie, who is patiently waiting for Sara.....

    hahahaha the only reason she would be patiently waiting for me is because the cboys are giving her extra attention....

  • scldragonfish
    scldragonfish Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, Self-Sabotager here. The minute I do well, I start eating wrong. I thought I would give this a shot.

    OA is a bunch of whiners, who make me want a cheeseburger and fries after each meeting. No big surprise, but feeling ashamed makes me feel depressed, which stresses me out, which makes me eat.

    OA wagon anyone?
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    Welcome Scldragonfish~~

    Sara - The Cabana Boys love Tillie because she is as cute as a button!

    This is my last night of peace and quiet before DH gets home tomorrow morning. He will have been driving all night from NC to NJ, resting at friends then in to Manhattan to shower and go with me to the doctors. If he is yawning, he is staying home. Why do grown men who really still are little boys not know their limits and about slowing down. He can't do today what he did in his 20s, but he thinks he can. Silly person.

    Time for garbage TV.

    I'll check in tomorrow late afternoon.

    Sleep well everybody!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    AOTW: I did see the QOTW but really didnt have an answer. Motivation will come in the form of variety. Reading, knitting, movies will distract me from munching (at least that is the plan). I sewed up 14 crocheted flowers last night (yellow, pink and purple and a strange multicolor pink) for baby hats and Christmas Stockings I am making.

    Toes today - poor things they need a little TLC.

    Lana - I agree with your question, and just shake my head. What good is your husband to you if he isnt awake? If you can update us when you are done. Find some comfort for yourself. - make food a small part if you can.

    Wave to all who follow today. Oatmeal is ready and I just saw the clock. BBL.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Tuesday morning! It's going to be HOT here today. Was happy to get a 2 mile walk with the dog last night because I don't think we'll get out tonight if it's as hot and humid as they say.

    This morning I braved the scale (the first time since July 30th and our camping trip). I am at 152.2, which is down .8 since the last weigh in. Now, to weigh myself regularly and stop being in denial. Still concentrating on eating right and trusting the scale will follow. Trying not to get caught up in that number.

    Lana - take care today and give us an update when you can. Sending good thoughts!

    AOTW: I'm concentrating on logging everything into MyFitnessPal and being sure my calories, sugars, and carbs stay at or under my goals.

    I'll CBL!
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Morning All-

    Still getting into work routine. I got home at 5pm and was so tired. Got into bed (mistake 1) and passed out hard- did not move at all. I slept from 5-8:30!! I did not mean to but was out cold. Of course I slept through dinner and then had just some junk to pick on and was up till 1am. So now I am tired and I am having a Starbucks. Ugh-

    Lana- thinking of you!

    Annie- good with the -.8 I got rid of my scale last month when I moved and I am not sure if I like it or not. I feel like it's such a big surprise when I go to WI on Saturday. The first WI I was down 4. I was totally shocked. Then last Saturday I was up 2. That surprised me as well. So I feel like I dont know how to mentally prepare and not get myself either to up or down.

    Sara- enjoy the pedi. My toes are not as bad as my heels! I walk everywhere barefoot and so my heels are hard as a rock and cracked. Sorry for the visual.

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Hi Jen, I realized I never responded to your question about my husband's teaching. He teaching computer networking/infrastructure at a local community and technical college. It is really nice having him home with our kids during school breaks and summer, but you can tell they are all tired of each other. LOL The trade-off is that during the school year, he often teaches into the evenings and therefore, I have to pick up the kids, feed them, and get to homework with them all without his help. :(
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Day is done. Big sigh of relief....

    Took own nail polish in - got at Korean place $2.00 a small jar. I decided as I was watching them dry (zzzzz) that they look like Captain Crunch Crunchberries...... okay who knows what those are?? I dont even know if they make that cereal anymore..... I liked the peanut butter Captain Crunch as well.

    Okay - fried rice and frozen banana with peanut butter for dessert. Have to stop thinking of food I should not be eating.

    Lana - sending good thoughts. You get the best seat under your palm tree tonight. Cboys are thinking about modeling their new attire...... Lana gets final word on approval.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    Hey all--

    Today went well at MSK. Details some other day.

    Meanwhile DH has just announced that he doesn't love me anymore, he doesn't want to live in NYC anymore.
    Now, ladies, I am a tired old soul.

    Why do men choose the worst (or best for them) possible days to whine? Me me me. Today can't be about you Lana, it has to be about me too.


    More tomorrow. Dead tired!


  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana- I wanna say glad all went well...but, I feel I should say I'm sorry about the DH. Men always have the worst timing. Selfish