Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member
    Sara said....
    "Got message for ultrasound Friday ...that I have to take another set of clothing with me"

    Goodness! What is that all about?

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Umiquet welcome!!

    Lana I called to find out, that is only for some procedures and mine does not qualify - roll my eyes, but glad.

    At work, bbl
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog upchucked on my nightgown, hoping this is not an omen for the day. :s

    AOTW: Keep wanting to play my meditation cd I have, but keep forgetting to, maybe tonight??

    Umiquet: we try to have questions of the week (QOTW) and this weeks was what are we working on to keep on the weight loss journey - mine is stress reduction.

    At work a lady helped me with paper for photocopier which is right outside my cubicle and people who overuse the machine think that caring for it is part of my job description, so when she helped me I filled out an "atta girl" card to give to mgmt. Best way to handle crap at work (I can use the word crap again!!!) is to fight it with kindness. Makes the crappy people look even worse!

    Will stop by after work, wave to all who follow.
  • umiquet
    umiquet Posts: 69 Member
    oooh good question. Currently my goal is to start meal prepping. I know my biggest weakness is when something isn't handy I settle for junk! I am trying to prepare my meals in advance so I can grab them on my way out the door for work. Its very time consuming, but I have noticed a big change already! Now if I could just stay motivated :wink:
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Good morning. It's Thursday and I'm back at work. Looks like it has been a busy week so the couple of days I am working should go quickly.

    Camping was wonderful. We had great weather (a little warm and sticky) but no rain! It did this momma's heart good to spend a few days with her kiddos before the oldest goes off to college in a couple of weeks.

    Ate horribly but got over 20,000 steps a couple of the days we were there. Lots of walking while our littlest one rode his bike.

    Starting a new approach to my weight loss journey today. Going to try to stick with a plan where I eat the same things for breakfast, lunch, and snacks and only change things up for supper - still keeping supper to protein and lower-carb veggies. Keeping calories, carbs, and sugars low. But bigger than that, I am going to concentrate on consistency and not going off the rails. I always want to lose so many lbs by a certain date. Instead of having that deadline, I'm going to concentrate on staying on the plan and trusting the lbs and inches will come off as a result. Have told my family that sometimes I may not eat what they eat for supper. Trying to pick foods that will satisfy and not make me feel like I'm being penalized or punished for eating healthy. Trying also to look at food simply as fuel and to try to find enjoyment in other things - not resorting to food.

    6 1/2 weeks to my birthday. Working to be consisent these next 6 weeks and see what results it brings me.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Good morning Ladies........winks to the Cabana Boys

    I will come back later to read and reply but


    I just got the call from MSK and Woooohooooo! Mary Gemignani is my surgeon it seems because my first appointment over there is Tuesday August 9th with her.
    Also thrilled that they proposed this date, which is absolutely perfect for me what with handing my show and workload over to my substitute on the day before, Monday.

    Must must go back to work now.

    Hugs to all!

  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Lana- thats great! Not sure if they all work together but maybe you will have the others. You will feel at ease there. They do alot to make you feel 'ok" about your situation. I remember even the guy at the security desk was so nice.
    Great you will get to hand off on Monday as well-

    Annie- great you had a good time camping. At least you got in your steps!

    Umiquet- I hear you with meal prep. Today at work they ordered salads- I ate the meat htat was in it and not the salad-then i had 2 cookies. ugh

    Sara- kill them with kindness always works for me! Hope the dog is feeling better and you get meditating. It really helps!

    Have a good day everyone-
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Caught up on reading the above stuff, but still at work......
    Sara - I hope you get to listen to your meditation CD and that Miss Tillie feels better soon. Poor thing.
    Annie - So glad your vacation was a good one. Your plan sounds solid.
    Waves to Jen again and Umiquet and all who might stop by later on.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    Dinner on stove, meditation cd playing on computer called Namaste.

    Lana glad you will have a recommended Dr and that work can be dealt with without too much stress on your part.

    Miss Tillie like many of us in the Sacramento Valley are dealing with allergies.

    If I get so tired at work that I dont think too straight - I actually stop working, I figure why mess things up? Irritates management that I am seen not working, so I make sure to do a couple every so often.....

    May stop by before lights out, hope everyone has a good evening.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Okay. That was not enough food and calories for today. Especially when I ate lunch at noon and didn't have supper until 7 p.m. due to a meeting after work with an organization where I volunteer. I honestly felt sick and it has taken all night for my stomach to settle down even after I ate. Reworking some of my plan for tomorrow.

    No walk tonight. But will get in my 2 or more miles tomorrow night.

    Lana - good news for you!

    Sara - hang in there! Get some good rest tonight.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Annie - like variety of food, but change in schedule/ food can really make me pay for it much like you did last night. Hope tomorrow fares better.

    One hour at a time today is the best I can do.

    Will stop by after Dr apt.
  • mija029
    mija029 Posts: 12 Member
    Good morning,
    The name of this group caught my eye and i figured i would look into it. I've joined lots of support groups and for the first couple of weeks everyone's logging and supporting ant then just nothing. It's hard to feel the support if you don't hear from anyone and you're the only one still active on the page. Looking forward to see how this go's. I've been on and off the weight train for the last year or so. I would really like to get healthy and put a dent in my weightloss goal before my birthday in November. I've lost 6 lbs so far but then stalled, refining my eating and making sure i hit my 10,000 steps everyday this week. Hoping to get some much needed support and help others along the way :smile:
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Welcome, Mija!

    Happy Friday! Hard to believe it, but it is my oldest son's 18th birthday today! We actually gave him his gifts last night because he has an odd work schedule today. Rather than doing cake, I bought a variety box of donuts and we put 18 candles in them. :smiley: My NSV today is that I didn't eat a bite of donut last night or this morning!

    Reworked my plan to be sure I have enough snacks to get me through the day without getting so hungry. Tracking everything in MyFitnessPal.

    Planning at least a 2 mile walk tonight and hoping to watch the Olympic opening ceremony!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good morning Mija,

    There are days I find I am talking to myself, but many in this group are pretty consistent. Drop by and post when you can.

    At work - need to scoot.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member
    edited August 2016
    Welcome Mija~~

    Hi there Sara and Annie~~

    Annie I didn't realize it's the opening of Olympics. Stuck at work in the basement. Happy Birthday to your son!

    So far I've had a decent day: raisin bran w milk instead of junk with milk at work for breakfast; quinoa/kale/raisins/walnuts homemade salad with olive oil for lunch. Pineapple for snack just now. Do not know what's for dinner. Must buy it. Ugh. Scale was at an ugly number this morning.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Ooooh. Ended up with a falafel and veggie wrap and milk! Yay.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Happy Friday,

    2 wonderful things, breast is clear of cancer - they suggested I take a detailed image of it and I said, "bring it on" if this is "normal" I want a comparison of if/when it changes.....dont know if I have to pay for the procedure, but worth the $$.

    Woman at work who made my life hell for years is leaving the department. The relief is immense. Young woman who drove me (I am helping her learn to crochet) was also pleased to see the back of this woman. She said the boss wondered if they should have a going away party.....That might not be a bad idea!

    Should be dancing, but will probably hurt myself, so happy dance in my head.

    Lana - I sat there and cried with relief in that doctor's office. Sending you good thoughts for Monday's apt.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Young woman who drove me to apt.....
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    I just got home from work to find the Cabana Boys in full party mode in celebration of your imaging good results. Fabulous fabulous fabulous!!!!!

    So happy for you that Nasty Woman is heading out. This has been too long of a time coming.

    I have always liked this saying:
    Everyone brings a joy to a room..... Some when they enter, some when they leave!

    Hugs to All~~


  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Running thru waving... Hi! I've missed coming here... I think I am back...Wi Fi issues... Will stop back by, tomorrow... Hope everyone is well!