Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Lana -keep an eye on your mail box think Saturday/Monday maybe.

    Jen I am in Northern CA and they are predicting temps in CA up by Oregon 112 and 113 which is bad enough but with smog index is very dangerous, so even 108 I have to limit outside exercise. Dog walk is necessary.

    Did someone say "nap time" ?? One benefit of having a day off.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member

    Jen - I know Xanax (and Valium its cousin) well. In the past it was especially helpful for me--taken strictly on a once-in-a-while basis to avert the stresses of dental work, mammograms, certain really rough patches with my ailing parents (both died recently 13 months apart. It is available in low low doses of .25 mg, .5 mg, 1 and 2 that I know of without looking online.
    As you might think the .25s will give just a bit of ease, whereas the 1s are a clunk on the head, for me for nighttime only. I cannot imagine taking a 2.

    I used to have a lot of atrial fibrillation attacks (pre-ablation last August), always brought on by super-stress, so I value the Xanax.
    Keep yours around for the never know.
    However, Benzos are very addictive, so this is strictly a once in a while drug.

    Sara - the Cabana Boys are almost ready with their Wednesday Mid-Week Happy Hour, all with zero point cocktails and snacks, served while wearing their nice linen shorts and shirts.....Foot massages and pillow fluffing for those who want some.....

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Well just went to pick up mail, and checked the temps online - 108 again. Just too hot.

    "IT'S HOT IN HERE"....
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning,

    They are claiming a cool down here by Friday/ Saturday and only one more day over 103. I will let you know when it happens.

    Back to work, packed lunch. Will eat the Teriyaki Chicken special at work cafe. Salad for dinner maybe. On hot days like the last 2 it never really cools down, so brain is working on seriously low gear.

    Did get a little nap with dog yesterday finally. Her water jug is full so I know she is okay for water/ food.

    Will lurk from work. Wishing all a great Thursday.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Lana - I was at my hairdressers and saw a hair mask - like a facial mask but for your hair - mainly used on your scalp. Finding luxury things that are not food as I wait for these tests and results.... I remember decades ago using Borghese (before they got massed produced) and they are hard to find. See if the Aveda place you go to has any. Mine cost $40 but is used like once a month. Just something to think about.

    Off to work we go............
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Met a friend for supper last night. It was good for the soul!

    Nice cool day outside today. Hoping for a nice walk with the dog outdoors for a change this evening. Too many sweets again and supper is a new one-pot chicken pasta fajita recipe that DH wanted to make. Will concentrate on eating the chicken and veggies and try to avoid pasta for the most part. Lots of homework to do before we leave for camping on Sunday. Looking forward to time away - but not looking forward to the heat that will be returning by the weekend.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member
    Hello ladies

    Now that I'm back at work I am leaving my laptop there, and things are so busy I can't really post from there yet

    So over the next week or so if you don't hear from me – not to worry.

    I think all of us are sick of this heat, but we'll just have to drink our water and wait for autumn and enjoy the parts of summer we can.

    Annie have a great time camping.

    Sarah a hair mask sounds intriguing. I never get any of the Aveda products anymore when I go for a haircut because they're out of my current budget. I am fairly happy with the drugstore Pantene stuff. However, you are now reminding me that Aveda does make a nice handcream in a big tube, which I like having around for fall and winter. That would be a really nice reward for me, and I don't think it was that pricey.

    More tomorrow

    Waves to all who follow--

  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Hi -
    Late post. I was so hot and thirsty that while I was out I saw an old fashioned bottle of coke and had it. Waste of calories as I am not a soda drinker but the bottle just made me think of cooling off.

    Lana- what show are you starting on? Got to make my list for when I go to visit at Christmas. I usually see 1-2 shows when I am back. There is TKTS in Brooklyn that had been fairly easy to get tix. No long lines like Duffy Square but now that BK is the place to be, the lines have gotten longer.

    Mimzy- have a great time camping. One pot dish sounds great- I dont know if i could avoid the pasta.

    Sara- glad its cooling off. I took a drive to Half Moon Bay. Amazing, 20 degree difference. Of course I get there and its all foggy (what else is new).

    Trying to mix my day with work/fun before the job starts on Monday. Have one more room to do (2nd BR/office) and need to hang pics and assemble barbq grill. I feel like Im moving a lot and not eating so much even if its not all OP.

    I have WI/meeting on Saturday so I will see. I decided to just do 3 months of meetings and see how that goes. Hopefully now that I am back up here with a network of friends (very active group) - I will become more active and I will also have TIME!!! Joining the gym where a few friends go and I have several that like hike/walks.

    Ok off to do some more stuff-
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good Morning,

    Jen - hope your meeting on Saturday goes well. Meetings are the best part of WW. I think all of us in our weight loss journey have had something after we started our journey only to find it didnt taste like our memories and usually made us regret eating/drinking it as it was too sweet/ too much etc.

    Breeze has picked up here and it will be cooler which is welcome.

    Mimzy - enjoy your camping trip. I would have eaten the whole thing taken the "hit", but I havent had pasta in awhile so maybe not (see first paragraph above).

    Lana - stop by when you can. I know first weeks of anything are a whirlwind.

    Dawn - like Lana find us again when you are able.

    Wishing all a great Friday - TGIF <3
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    TGIF! Beautiful cool night last night - kept the windows open and the house almost felt chilly this morning. Also did a shorter walk with the dog before it got too dark = 1.7 miles at a good pace. But the heat really returns on Sunday along with humidity. Still looking forward to a few days off! Sleeping in is always good. :smile:

    Put on my "fat pants" today and they are not being very fat. Need to focus on reducing those carbs and sweets! Getting nervous because it's usually easier for me to get off/keep off weight and inches in the summer. It gets so much harder when it's cold and dark outside and holiday foods are everywhere.

    Jen - An old-fashioned Coke would be hard to resist. Good luck at your meetings.

    Lana - looking forward to hearing how things are going.

    Sara - Keep cool!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member

    Hi Girls~~

    *tossing beach bag onto favorite lounge chair*

    We are working on moving "The Humans"--the play that won the Tony Award for Best Play in June--from its home in the little Helen Hayes theater to my theater The Schoenfeld, which is a bit bigger. Performances resume in 1 1/2 weeks.

    Jen - good luck on that new job next week.

    Annie - I am with you in that I'm staying the same or gaining when I should be losing. I am wearing my fat pants at work, and they fit nicely---they used to be baggy!! boohoo

    Sending two Cabana Boys out to look for Dawn~~

  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Morning All-

    For once I dont want it to be TGIF! I need more time : )

    As I mentioned, this is the first time I have been in between jobs and so I have had a month with no emails! (I work in tech so I am getting constant emails with the expectation of response no matter when/where).

    Lana- Humans is on my list. Good luck with getting going!

    Sara- YES! That is exactly what happened. I had the memory of the old fashioned bottle on a hot summers day- and it just tasted like sugar and very thick.

    Annie- I am right with you about the seasonal loss/gain.

    While assembling a barbq grill last night I decided to have a glass of wine. It didnt look like much was in the bottle so I finished it. It was more than I had anticipated. Dinner was a spinach boboli and then I had nutella- by the spoonful. Ugh. I wound up with a good old fashioned stomach ache.

    Well off to do more unpacking and such. I am so done with this!

    Have a great day!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member

    Hey Ladies~~

    Well I got the results of one of the two biopsies I had done earlier on Monday, and I have cancer in the left breast; it's ductal carcinoma, but I don't know if it is invasive or in situ.
    Don't know about the right breast yet!

    I got a phone call from my gyno doctor this morning, but couldn't write a lot down.
    My sister in Redwood City is an 18 year survivor, so she's my support and consultant on this.

    Why does this stuff always happen during a load in?

    My spirits are pretty good. One step at a time.

    BBL or tomorrow~~ Working tomorrow!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Oh Lana, I read your post at work and I am hoping good things.

    107 for our high, not much of a relief. I am tired of it. Would love a large pitcher of a zero point drink.

    Dog walk soon, I just saw the dirty look she gave me.

    Hope to stop by before lights out.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member

    Does Tillie give you a dirty look to tell you it's time to go out?
    She must be so cute.

    Time for some surfing and hopefully some sleep!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    One more round on my way to bed.

    Lana - if I do not notice my dog is wanting to go out then yes, there can be dirty looks (my vet calls them "hairy eyeballs" most dogs and cats are capable of them). Usually I am paying close attention and I see her waiting for me sitting quietly at the door.

    Just saw results of my blood work. No surprises there and that is a relief as all is in normal range. Checking off another box on the "to-do"list.

    I am trying to teach someone at work to crochet and it is not something I do much of and so we are both learning online - her how to and me as a refresher course. Would enjoy learning how to make granny squares to see if I can use of a lot of my odds and ends of yarn.

    It is time for brain to stop. Wishing all a good evening.
  • amberrea82
    amberrea82 Posts: 232 Member
    Hello all..mind if I barge in here? I read up a little bit but I'll get to know you all soon enough lol

    I'm Amber, I'm 32 and this is most certainly not my first rodeo. In the past few years I've seen a divorce and drug addiction..serious health issues with my mom which made me decide to move back home for the last six months..some new found health crap of my own which has really limited what I can do physically, but we're working on it. I'll be booked in for cortisone injections in my back in November so that's something. Until then I've just moved to a new place that has a pool and a hot tub (not in the house..I'm not that fancy lol) and I'm just going to be extra careful with my intake. I've been in a bit of a rut the last year or two and I finally feel like I might get out
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning,

    Welcome Amber, when we moved from Weight Watchers (WW) we wanted an open forum to invite anyone to stop by. You are welcome to stop by and post whenever you can.

    It was so hot last night (107) that I just went to bed early.

    Cooked rice this morning for dog's breakfast, her upset tummy has come full circle (no details) and rice is good for her - she thumbed her nose at the plain rice, but a small piece of chicken did the trick!!

    Will stop by later after I have done errands. Dog has me up good part of night, so I will see about a little more sleep.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Lana, I am sending prayers for you.

    It's Saturday. The scale shows I am up 1.5 lbs since last week. Not sure how that happened although I know I had too many treats this week. Pretty sure the 2 margaritas last night did not help. I think I will start weighing daily when we return from camping. I am up 8 lbs from my lowest weight (that was 2 years ago) and no wonder my pants are feeling tight. Need to get back to the basics (protein and veggies) and stay out of the sweets.

    Grocery shopping and packing for camping is on the list today. We roll out tomorrow and will return on Wednesday afternoon. Forecast says possible rain on Sunday night/Monday morning. Grrr. And knowing we won't eat well while we're there isn't helping my attitude. I feel like I'd just rather stay home but I know the kids will love it.
  • amberrea82
    amberrea82 Posts: 232 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! Babysitting my nephew and we've been going hard since 5:45..he's turning 3 in a couple weeks. Definitely keeps me moving!!