Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Up cant go back to sleep.

    One piece of information that came up at the medical appointment - had I lost a significant amount of weight? I said I have lost 25 pounds on Weight Watchers, because that change in weight can make tissues to compress.

    Will put on kettle set up hot water bottle and see if that helps.

  • kelley_lynn
    kelley_lynn Posts: 133 Member
    Is so a SS :/ But im hoping after surgery a few weeks, ago, this will be the last time. I had whats called an endio barrier, placed. Abd this is now my third week, and Im like looking at food i could eat, but now cant, but either way. Nice to be back again.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning,

    Welcome Kelley. I have a friend at work who had a form of surgery, and has had success with it. Hope you do as well.

    Normal errands to run. Many meals to make this weekend including stuffed zucchini boats, fried rice and black bean burgers. But with getting those done I will have 10 meals (7 of which I will freeze) for upcoming days when I am just too lazy to think about dinner.

    Will stop back when it is light out.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Sara - that is wonderful news! So happy for you.

    DH made such a good "home" Chinese Buffet for DS's b-day dinner last night that I ate a tad too much. Then we took our youngest to the local county fair and I indulged in mini donuts. Back on track today. Having lunch with my grandpa and some cousins. Will order a salad with dressing on the side or a chicken breast and vegetables. I am determined NOT to go completely off track over this weekend. Will get in 2-3 mile walk today. Beautiful weather!

    Hoping to go shopping for some new sheets and maybe to look for new tennis shoes for the younger two kids. They both need them for school!
  • mija029
    mija029 Posts: 12 Member
    I want to walk today but i've developed a few blisters on my feet, so it hurts a little to walk. But i do plan to get some sort of workout in, i will miss my walk, i like the time to myself and to think. I also like trying to beat my previous times :smile:
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Hellllooooooooo Dawn! Glad you could stop by!

    Hellos to Sara and Mija and Annie and a big welcome to Kelley!

    Sara, what are zucchini boats? are they hollowed out halves of zucchini filled with a mixture of goodies? That's what I envision, and would never have thought of that. You rock with your pre-done meals in the freezer.

    Sara - the medical place has your past imaging and they were comparing past to present images? And that's how they knew to ask about weight loss? I'm inferring this, so fix me up if I've got it wrong.

    My advice to anyone reading this: Get breast ultrasounds done every couple of years (if not annually) in addition to your mammagrams.


    OK Back to work!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Lana - you are correct on the zucchini boats. I have used soy crumbles but have ground chicken today with tomato sauce, onion/garlic and a little cheese. Medical place was comparing from former images. I do not know why they asked about weight loss, except perhaps it is common? Perhaps they could tell from the database itself?? My neighbor at work has to get the ultrasounds yearly on one breast and I have a feeling I will as well. Never had to have one done - technology has improved and I had - I hope you are sitting down..... a 7 year gap in getting one. My dog groomer is older than me and is having her first soon.

    Book, dvd's and crochet/knitting goodies are on their way.

    Glad you found us again Dawn.

    Had been taking a nap and tempted to go back.......
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    I should hit preview - my dog groomer has never had a mammogram.
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Hello All-

    Went to WW meeting today and up 2.8. I had lost 4 last week. Believe it or not, I am not mad. I was thinking how in the past (and i did it last week) I always keep my food intake on Friday super super low. I don't make plans to go out etc all because I dont want the "number" to be higher. I used to think, maybe I will go on a different day so I can go out Friday nights- then I realized, I was letting the "number" control my life.

    So I went out last night- I had a soup and a salad- no wine no desert- but this morning I got up and I could see my fingers were swollen and so I knew the weight would be up. I told the leader that as long as the "Saturday number" goes down then I dont care - it's not about the number on the scale- its just that it decreases each Saturday. I saved my points for Friday night and so Saturday may be more than what I weight on a Wednesday but if I go out every Friday night but keep it OP with my points, the number should go down- it's just the residual from the night before. Does that make sense? Not sure if I am explaining it clearly.

    There was a young girl maybe late teens early 20s who had some weight on her, very beautiful face and sweet girl. She was with her mother (who was NO skinny mini) - when the leader was talking about snacking, the girl mentioned it was usually late - around 10pm because she was with her friends. I noticed anything this girl said, the mother rolled her eyes and shook her head. I felt like shouting- She isnt the problem- you are!!!! The leader asked if there was anything she could do with the snacking and she didnt have an answer right then - and sure enough the mother had comments to make and the body language said it all. After the meeting the leader asked BOTH of them- if they wanted to talk about anything- the Mom said- I dont have a problem she does- I'm fine- Im bringing her here because SHE needs to lose the weight. The leader was awesome- she said - you are beautiful on both the inside and out- you do this because YOU want to. I just wanted to go over and hug her. I had flashbacks to my own experiences with my mother (which now that all those years passed - as did she) who had the body issues and the appearance/what do other people think issues.

    Anyway....just wanted to get that off my chest-

    Hello to everyone!
    Lana/Sara- as soon as my health insurance kicks in the first thing I am doing is the Mamogram. I hate to say it but I have not had one in 4 years. Kaiser changed from 40 (when I had my first) to 45- and then I moved to LA and never had one in those 3 years. Must go now!!

    Zucchini boats sound great!!

    Have a great day!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Lana... Hiiiiii Sara.....hello everyone else....sorta multi tasking...watching Bridesmaids.... I am soooo Annie.....Be back soon!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good Morning!!

    Window open to cool off place with fans on. Neighbor was up all night moving stuff :s . Dog was up scratching too, so I helped the dog off chair (she proceeded to calm down). We are up she has her liverwurst and food so I will find some more sleep.

    Groceries, then knitting and cooking for week. What I thought I had in freezer last night was not there, so I made Fried Rice last night and put 3 meals in freezer.

    Started baby hat pattern and it is easy which is nice. Will take corners of hat and make "ears". Crocheting flowers to put on them - trainer at work's wife is having twin girls and I am making large hats for 6 months to a year. So often people buy newborn things, so I make larger objects like blankets so they last longer than 2 months.

    Lana - do you have today off? What kind of time off will you be having? Sending good thoughts.

    Will stop by again when the sun is out.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member
    edited August 2016
    Happy SUNDAY!

    Sara - sorry some nitwit was moving furniture. People are thoughtless of their neighbors. The knitting projects sound cute!
    Yes I have today off.
    Tomorrow I go in to the theater at 8 AM for a few hours on my own time to help my replacement person transition to covering my job for a while. Although he will have no trouble jumping in to run the lighting board for the show, I want to give him a tour around the theater to show him all of the circuit breaker panels and other oddities that he wouldn't be able to know on his own.

    Then I am off in definitely. I decided that I do not want to go back to work until I know how I am tolerating radiation or chemo therapy--my consult with my surgeon is Tuesday, so I haven't even survived the surgery yet. Ultimately my hope is to do two weeks of work into weeks off if I can hack it.

    I am 60 years old and not in great shape – you know about the heart problems – so I want to not have the pressure of having to worry about work, which is a physical job. One of these days I might dig up a photo of me in my safety climbing gear, hanging off of the top of my upright sign outside the theater.
    My project for today is to search around online for an old version of weight watchers that closely mimicked the diabetic diet: There were food exchanges that needed to be met to have a balanced diet. Every day one had boxes to check off next to dairy, fruit, vegetables, protein, fat, and "breads/starches". I loved that plan. It was balanced and simple. You could make it as healthy as you wanted to. For example you could choose to eat corn or green peas instead of having bread, or if you felt like a piece of toast you could have that and you checked off the box.

    This plan you had to know roughly the calorie amount of the items you were eating. I think a dairy unit was 90 calories, a bread was 80, I think a protein with either 60 or 70, a fat might've been 30? 50? That part I don't remember I think a fruit was roughly 70 cal. Nobody quote me on these numbers --that's what I'm looking for – the old plan. I don't know what it was called but it was in place in the late 80s possibly early 90s.
    I'll have to hunt around to find something like that.

    I read your story about the girl and her mother at your weight watchers meeting. Please consider actually stepping out there and doing what you had thought to do at the last meeting and give that girl some encouragement. Her mother is actually a bully and needs to politely be called on it, maybe by just addressing the daughter directly and telling her words of encouragement. The leader cannot say anything that might be construed as offensive or out of line, but another meeting member certainly can gently and politely with a good choice of words call a spade a spade.

    Time for a shower!

    Waves to all who stop by later
    I did this on my iPhone so there maybe some typos sorry

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Okay back for the day. Sprinklers got Miss T wet so we had a short walk, but we will take another one soon.

    Lana - when it comes to packages being mailed, do you have lockers and then get keys put in your mailbox? Was thinking of a fabulous book that someone in my yoga class years ago brought my attention to..... Let me know.

    Jen- I would encourage the daughter first and foremost.

    Taking Pita Chips and Hummus to work tomorrow to celebrate no cancer, those I like with have the chance at good granola bars and 2 very helpful ladies will get KIND bars.

    Some kitchen work, some baby hat knitting and the rest of the day is up in the air.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Good morning! Finally my day off. I don't know why, it is so hard to wake up on my days I work. Seems to get harder and harder every day. I think it's just too much stress. I love being with the animals. I just don't like the people I have to be around. I can't leave cuz I feel like I would be letting the animals down. It's a no win situation, sadly.
    Sara- I have always wanted to learn to crochet. My mom always has. She tried to teach me when I was young, I just couldn't get it. I want so bad to be able to make cute things. My brain just won't work with my hands. I also give bigger sizes. People get overloaded with Newborn stuff and realize in 4-6 months they barely have anything at all.
    Lana- I missed the post about you goin to chemo-radiaton. Hope all goes well. I'll be thinking of you.
    Another lazy Sunday for me. The day is a bit cooler again. I should get out and do stuff. Just no motivation.
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Morning All-

    I was thinking the same thing. I wanted to go over to her but hesitated. Next week I will for sure.

    Lana- Good luck with everything. Will keep you in my thoughts.

    Sara- Glad it's cooling off. My new place, I've discovered, does get very chilly at night. Lots of windows and no insulation. The balcony gets very windy. I was out there yesterday afternoon and the wind was gusting - made it hard to hang out up there.

    Annie- I hear you on motivation. It's now 10:30am and Im in bed with this laptop thinking of things I "should" be doing. :smile:

    Now that I have groceries bought, barb-q assembled and my first full week under my belt- I need to get my lunches/dinners prepared.

    The perk of this job is that they provide lunch. The lunches are amazing - soup to nuts. Since I've been gone the past 3 years they have even added lighter/lower calorie choices etc. Many people use the lunch as their "dinner" - this will help with the cost of groceries as I am kind of stretched thin with this rent situation.

    Have any of you been over to the WW site or connect? Since I joined meetings, they canceled my online and the e-tools is not working. I cant seem to login. Do any of you use connect?

    Have a great Sunday everyone!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    calny wrote: »
    Have any of you been over to the WW site or connect? Since I joined meetings, they canceled my online and the e-tools is not working. I cant seem to login. Do any of you use connect?

    No, that pissed me off so much that I walked away and did not look back.

    Black bean burgers are freezing in freezer on wax paper on cookie sheet, I will go later today and wrap them up and put in freezer bag.

    Last project is to make Zucchini Boats. Lunch is necessary but nothing sounds good. Peanut butter may be on tap with cheese and apple?

  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Sara- not sure if you posted it already but what is in the zucchini boats?
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member
    I ditched my WW membership also. I was fuming. I miss the meetings though.
    I did have a stupid-hard time with the newest points system. Not a good fit for me.

    I hope you get your ETools and Connect straightened out for yourself.

    Wishing the Cabana Boys could bring me a zucchini boat!

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I'll take a zucchini boat too!! He he
    Do you share recipe's? Sounds like one I'd like to try...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Options --my recipe came out of another cookbook but the basic concept is the same. Also works with crookneck squash.

    Those cabana boys are very creative.....