Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi Ladies~~

    Big welcome to the new girls! Our Cabana Boys have taken notice!

    I just had to mention that a light bulb went off in my head yesterday about DH and his behavior recently. Sure enough I find out that his psychiatrist and he decided to take him off of his antidepressant and off of another psych med WITH NO REPLACEMENT. *slap forehead* Good grief!
    And as best I can tell this is because of some new law in NY State that somehow has psychopharmacologists and psychiatrists prescription writing more closely monitored for ....what I don't know....abuses? something deep and dark and illegal?

    I am on an antidepressant - the same one that DH was on, and it works miracles for me. I can't imagine being without it, especially now. Wanted to tell you guys because of DH's unkind words and behavior I spoke of a few days ago.....

    AOTW: I am weighing daily and really looking at the number, and somehow I am conscious of balancing my healthy foods with the daily "splurge" I want.

    Off to the cardiologist......

    Hugs to you.

    Sara, I'll be over to walk Tillie this afternoon! (I wish I could)

  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Morning All-

    Crazy busy day yesterday. I am sort of staying motivated. It's a very strange feeling not to have a scale. I can't quite explain it. I try not to weigh myself often (when I had a scale) but usually mid week I would jump on to "see" how I was doing. Maybe it's a better mindset to not have it. I don't know.

    Sara- Keeping busy is good. I noticed this big time! I used to come home from work and just sit on the couch and eat and continue to work and eat some more. Now I think just being happier help and busier. I come home and maybe meet up with someone ( right now everyone wants to get together since I moved back - I am sure once I do this, it will slow down) but I also have a network of people that I can always find something to do that gets me out of the house.

    Annie- Your husbands job sounds interesting. I used to do consulting work (educational technology) for community colleges. He is more IT though. Nice to have that schedule.

    Lana- I'm surprised the dr would just take him off like that. Usually you have to be weened off. I know my niece is on some antidepressants and my sister worries because she will lie to her and say she took them when she didnt (she is 15) and there are many warnings about stopping like that. It does make sense though regarding his behavior.

    Good luck with the cardiologist

    My goal is to get this barbq lit and grill up some veggies. While I am not eating a lot, it's still all carb heavy.

    Ok back to work!
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    No good protein at home for lunch today meant I ate a piece of peanut butter toast and green beans for lunch. Broke down and had some crackers for a snack this afternoon. Going to try to eat light for supper and not go over carbs or calories too far. Hoping I don't get too hungry later in the evening. Still soda-free, though!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member
    Give yourself LOTS of CREDIT for being soda free! That's a great thing.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Good evening,

    Amazon is almost done sending me packages for the week. Crochet items (small scissors, fold up case to put crochet hooks/scissors, and large plastic darning needles in 3 sizes) were the most recent gift to lady at work for driving me to dr apt.

    Thursday is my hit the wall day, so brain is fading. Annie - you keep up the good work and pat yourself on the back.

    There was an open gate that was not supposed to be open on the property and I waved the security man down to show him. He mentioned that I might want to consider carrying pepper spray when time change comes into play and it is darker in the morning.... so he told me the name of the one he carries - has a better shelf life (FOX) and they have one called "mean green" because it dies green on whatever it lands on.... that got women at work's attention.....

    Off to eat/ knit and watch movies.

    Lana - Are any of those dr's at MSK worth looking at?? ;)

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hi to all! I'm really getting jealous... Sara, you keep talking about Knitting/crocheting....future mom in law has been here last 2 days, crocheting an afghan... I wish I could figure it out. My fingers just don't listen to my brain. What DVD's did you get? I love movie time.
    I wish I could cut out soda. I've been talking about it with a friend at work. She used to be just as addicted. I just can't break the habit...
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Well, I was already over on carbs today...and then I had a couple of scoops of ice cream tonight. Not my best day.

    Watching the Olympics now and still soda-free! G'night!
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Annie- I remember watching the Olympics when I was 15 and so into them. I used to "bike" and for some reason the cycling resonated with me and right then and there, I started to switch from biking to cycling. I got into it because they looked so fast and smooth and it was already something I knew how to do and could do without being exhausted. I was the one (even when in shape) who would be huffing and puffing when running laps in PE class.

    I started to cycle first 9miles (it was a 9mile loop) and then jumped up to 27 and by end of summer was doing 36miles daily. I learned from people around me and would get into the zone.

    Gee, I wish these olympics would spur some of that again. Isn't speed walking an event? I would even just try walk walking at this point!

  • scldragonfish
    scldragonfish Posts: 15 Member
    My dad was exposed to chemicals in Vietnam that left me with some birth defects. Spina Bifida, Extra bones in my feet and neck that had to be removed. Exercise has never been anything less than a war with pain.

    However, Biking is the only way I can get any cardio done. When you are starting out, it's tough. Sometimes the simple exercises are the best.

    FYI I am reaaallly slow, because as a serial starter, I usually wait until I am a slug before trying again. This thread helps. Nice to know I'm not alone.
  • scldragonfish
    scldragonfish Posts: 15 Member
    On another note....I really love watching Olympics and stuff like Ninja Warrior and Parkour because I was never able to do those things. I admire them so much! Not only discipline wise, but because they have a physiology I will never attain.

    It's like admiring a painter because I don't have those skills.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good Morning!! TGIF for those of us in a M-F job.

    Dawn - I am a better knitter than crocheter and I am using YouTube to relearn crochet - I had to use books or people to learn :s - See "SimplyDaisy" or "HappyBerryCrochet" as they have videos that are as if you never touched yarn before......which is perfect. Some people can knit better or crochet better, dont give up just yet. Coworker wants to make blankets, so that is her goal as well.

    Ordered the green dyed pepper spray that I can wear around my neck on a chain - walk dog in morning before work, walk to work and put in purse (as a coworker said - so I am not tempted to spray a coworker..... hahhahaha). Found out one of my coworkers carries a knife in her car as she is out late playing BINGO - and from her car to apartment has her knife out. I am too accident prone for that idea. So although it does not make me completely safe, it is a tool. Also bought 2 cookbooks and a pack of crochet hooks (smaller to larger sizes). I think there is a book to read in there as well. Cookbooks are Vegetarian and Spiralize recipes so I can use my Spiralizer more. Will let you know how the cookbooks are.....

    Oatmeal almost done.

    Lana - what did the Cardio have to say.

    Annie hold out against soda, you can and will win this battle.

    Wishing all a great Friday.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member
    Good morning Ladies
    Happy Friday!
    Remember...happy hour tonight (where is Liz? Liz! Happy Hour at 5!)

    Cardio appointment went well. It's part of the dealio to prep and clear for the breast surgery. I need to have a stress echo done this coming Tuesday.

    What healthy food items will you be enjoying this weekend?

    AOTD: scallops, grilled zucchini

    On the road to NC soon for long weekend.

    *tossing bag and towel onto favorite lounge chair*

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Time before work.

    Lana glad the Cardio went well - keeping fingers crossed for stress test.

    AOTD: no clue yet. Too brain dead to know. Wish I had a better answer.

    Safe travels Miss Lana.

    Off to the salt mine -- high ho, high ho its off to work we go!!

    Can I describe this jerk in his extra fancy pick up truck who decides to "dominate" the parking lot after work so I have to stop and watch out for him?? He is not impressing me in a positive manner and I can guarantee you he doesnt want my opinion of him or his driving. Lucky for me he doesnt "park in my parking spot" and I can blissfully watch him drive away!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    I ordered 2 cookbooks -
    Vegan Bowl Attack!: More than 100 One-Dish Meals Packed with Plant-Based Power
    Inspiralize Everything: An Apples-to-Zucchini Encyclopedia of Spiralizing

    will let you know how they are.
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member

    Lana have a good trip to NC. Watch those cops south of the border. They don't like them yanks :smile: Lol

    Sara- how do you like the spiralizer. I think about getting one but then not sure if I would use it much. The zucchini looks good but does it really come out how it looks?

    Scldragonfish - Wow I didnt realize that the effects from Vietnam and your father can be passed down. It makes sense but I was not aware of that. I realize that I am of the age where Vietnam had just ended when I was about maybe 2 or 3 years old and so we never learned about it in school in our "history" books and it was also not current events. My sister who is 5 years older was very aware and my nephew who is about 15 years younger knew a lot from his history books. It was also sadly not mentioned much after the war ended and I was in only 1st grade or something.

    Going out to lunch and dinner on Saturday. WI is in the morning. Not sure what to expect. Don't have my hopes up. However, last Saturday was TOM and maybe that had something to do with the gain. To be honest, I wear mostly sweats or elastic waist band type of pants so I dont even know if I lost weight enough to feel it in my clothes. I thought my bra loosened a bit but it was also brand new and so maybe there was some "give" in the elastic.

    I just dont seem to be connecting to WW. I think the message boards are what drove me to the site and got me to track. Now I seem to come here and thats it. I also dont have a full on routine yet since I havent really started cooking and getting into a basic life. Since I just got back to the area, many people want to go out and so it's been drinks after work, coffee, lunch etc.

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • scldragonfish
    scldragonfish Posts: 15 Member
    Calny - Hope you don't mind a little history lesson. The Vietnam war started in the late 1950s when the Draft was still in effect. Before he was elected President Lyndon Johnson's wife had a family arms business and made money hand over fist during the war with government contracts. The company made the first untested AK-47s that went to the US soldiers in the war; some exploded in their hands and killed a few. His Presidency was basically a platform to keep the war going.

    Unfortunately, this led to the arms company also making a chemical sprayed in the jungles, to clear the fields of brush, called Agent Orange. Thousands of soldiers were exposed and many south Vietnamese (the people we were trying to help), including my dad, who had been Special Forces and spent 2 tours in the jungle (4 years).

    People wanted the war to end, and Johnson wasn't re-elected. US withdrew the troops and the war finally ended around 1975.

    10 years later they discovered the horrifying effects of being exposed to it. Cancer, liver damage, pulmonary and heart diseases, defects to reproductive capacity and skin and nervous disorders. Their children and grandchildren have severe physical deformities, mental and physical disabilities, diseases and shortened life spans.

    My father came from a family where they lived well into their 80s and 90s with no diabetes, heart problems, or cancer. My dad passed away at 63 from stroke, complicated by type 2 diabetes and heart failure.

    I am the only one of 4 kids that didn't have a learning disability, I just got the physical problems. Fun part is that Veterans Affairs are just starting to learn all the repercussions of the chemical effects, so they haven't cleared through congress half the medical problems and costs that the next generation need compensation for.

    OR truthfully, the US really, epically, *kitten* up and can't afford to compensate all the soldiers, their children, and grandchildren. So, they have created enough red tape to make sure we are dead before they can prove they need to pay us for medical costs.

    And that is my tale of woe.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    okay the question of new foods got me thinking and I now have a recipe for stuffed bell peppers and Vegan "chicken teriyaki" tacos (using Gardein).

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Jen - my first spiralizer made spaghetti like noodles, this one I have now does not. Otherwise yes it does look like that. 100 at least this weekend, so I will be going through my knitting/yarn boxes in hope to organize it.

    Fried rice on stove, will be under Lana's Palm tree soon snoring away......
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Thanks Sara for vote of confidence. I will check out videos. I honestly haven't tried since I was 12 or, maybe there could be hope. My mom can't knit, but crochets all the time. I just really want a hobby. Not that I don't love this place. Just need something to do. Might just have to take up coloring. I can master that.
    Waves to everyone else. Finally Friday tomorrow. Boy am I ready!
    Nite all
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    edited August 2016

    Good morning,

    Dog is taken care of and it is a day I can get some more sleep, so I will try for a little more.

    Dawn - Michael's store reminds me there are so many other craft hobbies - do a little research online (like watch Youtube on "how to" videos) before going shopping, (save you a little $$). Michael's is a wonderful place and I have to go with a list..... Awhile back I bought an adult coloring book and found the spaces too small, so I would buy a children's coloring book next time -- thank you !! I am going to CVS anyway, I will see if they have any!

    Another hot day today - good chance to dry clothing outside - 6% of your electricity bill is your clothes dryer, so in the summer use the heat outside if you can to dry your clothes.

    Will stop by after errands.