Serial Starters



  • scldragonfish
    scldragonfish Posts: 15 Member
    Being trapped in your house can be blessing or a curse. We are in the a flood zone of Louisiana and can't leave our house. We are doing just fine.

    My fiance and I are both trying to eat healthy, so there are no really bad snacks in the house. With our electricity on, we are cooking up recipes to save because we just went shopping a few days ago :wink: .
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Yarn is organized and I threw an empty bin into closet. Dusty stuff.

    A/C finally kicked in and will take nap.

    Hey Lana!! Where are you??

    Stay cool out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Hey Ladies~~
    This is a rude hit and run: I am down at the house in NC, and I've lots to do in the 2 days we are down here. Everyone stay cool, eat well, and exercise if you can!


  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Hello All-

    Went to meeting. Down 2lbs (this was the 2 I gained last week TOM) - so at least its even. I then met a friend for lunch (Cheesecake Factory type of place) tried to eat "ok" - now heading out to dinner for a friends birthday. Diet or no diet I dont like eating out for so many meals in one day.

    Dragonfish- thanks for the info/history. I knew of agent orange but did not realize how it passed on to other generations. I worry about what will happen to these babies being born now from guys/girls in Iraq/Afghanastan. I am sure there is probably stuff going on we don't know about that may be effecting them. Makes me sad.

    Sara- stay cool. It's a nice day here. Nice weather. I might get that spiralizer but need to pay off some credit card bills.

    Speaking of bills. New challenge for me. Where I work has lunch service for free for employees. When I used to work here it was soup to nuts and sometimes the meals were very heavy. I've been told that they have lightened up the food and even have a light-fare choice. Since I am trying to save money, I am hoping to make my lunch my main meal and then dinner something light - grilled veggies or something. Hope this works because I really could use a break on the finances but need to keep it OP.

    Meeting was good. A woman lost 37lbs and she said how she noticed it when she was walking down the hallway and someone was coming towards her. She used to move aside thinking there was not enough room for the both of them. She did it and then realized there was enough room. I was thinking of how I have not noticed my increase and size and sometimes walk through a doorway at the same time as someone thinking we will pass each other and then they have to move over. I also noticed when I was back in my home I grew up in, Id make a turn around into the doorway and hit it with my arm/shoulder. I realized it was because I take up more space. These are things that really bother me. Stuff like not being able to unhook my bra by reaching around. It's all the little things. The other big thing was we got these chairs in our office that look like bouncy rope and when you lean against it you sink in and make a chair. I did not want to sit in it because I thought the elasticity would go down to the floor. So when nobody was around I tried it. That afternoon my coworker said that our coworker ( a big guy) must have sat in this because its not as springy. She didnt know I sat in it. I was mortified (to myself). I noticed today getting into a friends SUV that when I got in my side (climbing up on the ledge) the car noticeably went down. My sister inlaw is teaching yoga and she said when I come back she wants to do it with me. She is doing arial yoga. She said oh there is a woman at the gym she has to be at least 200 lbs and she can do it (little does she know thats my goal right now). Anyway... the woman at WW just got me thinking and I came away from the meeting maybe more discouraged or maybe it jsut made me have a reality check or something.

    Ok- enough of that.

    Lana- hope your are enjoying NC if that is where you are.

    Have a good one-

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good evening,

    Jen - awesome weigh in, take it and run.....I cant reach around ever to unhook my bra - it is not just weight... Yoga is a wonderful way to stretch muscles you had no idea you had, give it a real try. My cousin and her husband - he is well over 300 pounds/she is not far from that- and I hear those chairs and one will break eventually. Take your discouragement and walk it off, it's too hot here right now, but dog and I will go out after dinner.

    Lana - rude?? did you swear and I missed it?? Glad you made it to NC.

    Stuffed peppers in oven if they turn out, I will make these again, but buy the long bell peppers and not the "pumpkin" shaped - hard to stuff.

    Yarn is organized and I have one less bin full of yarn stuff. So proud of myself. Too hot to knit so far today, but maybe a little crocheting, I found all kinds of yarn colors and have 3 patterns to make flowers. I am making some with holes in the middle and my button collection will come in handy as I sew them to the large off-white Christmas stocking it is just too hot to knit.

    Got a short nap in.

    Hanging out with Miss T under Lana's Palm Tree snapping fingers at Cboys, they are busy helping Lana with her every wish - so I will just fall asleep.

  • artistes2
    artistes2 Posts: 19 Member
    HI everyone, I am new , again, and looking for support
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Welcome Artistes!!
    Stop by and post when you can.
    We often have questions of the day/week.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Saturday night. DH and I had a fun date last night. Dinner, shopping, drinks at the bar watching the Michael Phelps race, then more shopping, then a movie. Too much to eat and drink, but a nice break without kids. Intended to be better today but too many treats around this house. Meals were okay and I'm still soda-free! Just finished 2 miles on the treadmill. Took DS shopping for more necessities for his college dorm. Feeling a bit emotional about him moving on the 25th.

    Committing to being really back on track tomorrow. DH picked up groceries today, so good plan in place.

    Enjoy your evening!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Hello All~~

    Welcome to anyone new and any lurkers!

    Congrats to anyone who had good weigh ins.....

    Never never be discouraged; whenever you feel you are sinking into the negative, stop......think.....recognize the negative talk. If you need to share your experience, definitely post here immediately and then talk to yourself as you would to your best friend. Think of three things that you are grateful for in your life and move on.

    Hey Sara - I was looking back a bit and you were talking about pepper spray. What did I miss? Did something happen in your area recently that has everyone stepping up their usual caution/protection? You take good care of yourself. You remind me of when Hell's Kitchen where I live in NYC really was a hell hole, and I had pepper spray. Sheesh.

    I trust everyone will have a good Sunday? Anybody up to their eyeballs in alligators? Pipe up!
    Me? I'll be by the pool getting in more water exercise! I worked out twice today.

    Hugs to all~~~Sleep well tonight!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Lana - ran into the security guard for the apt complex and he recommended carrying pepper spray and with the time change/ season change it will be darker earlier in the morning, so I thought it a good idea. Just being prepared.

    Stuffed peppers are awesome and will make again - I read the instructions to "carefully take foil off pan" - man was that hot steam - luckily I am fine, but glad I read the recipe (sometimes I dont, I think I know better).

    I had calories to celebrate with hot chocolate, I know its hotter than snot out there and I am drinking hot chocolate....

    Wishing all a good evening.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog up medicated and fed. Window open to at least air out place, cool off is asking a bit much....

    Clean up kitchen, watch netflix, possible nap. Nice to set up extra dinners for this week.

    Need to chase dog down to clean out ears. Twice a month.

    Groceries and then who knows?

    Wave to all who follow. BBL
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Okay, chores done, will watch netflix and rest hand -between crochet/knitting and chopping it is a little sore.

    Weather fore cast is wrong it is already hot. Luckily I am in for most of day.

    Bought a large bag of pita chips to bring to work, big bully in department's last day is Friday. She did a lot of good work as well, so I will see if there will be a "going away" food fest.

    Stay cool out there.
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Quick hello--

    Ate too much yesterday- nothing I really wanted either - but did not feel good last night. Today will keep it low.
    Weekends go too fast. Its already almost noon and I have not gotten out yet. Ugh. My friend has had me on the phone for hours now! Lost my motivation and so I will just chill.

    Have a great Sunday
  • eaglesfan32959
    eaglesfan32959 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I love this thread! I am starting over tomorrow, recently had another disappointing run with WW, 10 will gratefully take all the love and support I can possibly get here! My name is Cheryl, not sure if I've done this correctly or not.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Cheryl, welcome and yes you did do it "correctly". Stop by and post when you can.

    Wow so hot there is no desire to walk the dog, luckily right now dog agrees.

    Chicken teriyaki (Gardein) tacos are another " will make again" recipe.

    Got as much ready to start workweek tomorrow as I can stand. Crawling to hammock under Lana's Palm tree. Dog is on her own, but will probably lay in the shade under the hammock.

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Hey there All~~

    Wishing everyone a good night; have a good Monday tomorrow.
    Monday: DH and I will be driving to NYC from early morning till late late evening.
    Tuesday: Non-stop doctors/medical appointments.

    I may not be back until Wednesday.
    Hugs to all~~

    Eat your fruit!!! Chill everything, even the bananas!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning,

    It ended up being 105 - I knew 98 was too low. Frozen bananas in freezer for after dinner.

    Lana - hope your apts Tuesday go well, it may be a blur, takes notes when you can.

    QOTW: What will you be working on this week to stay in good health?

    AOTW: With this heat, not overdue it outside, drink more water. Also find things to do after dinner to stop munching.

    Wishing all a good Monday.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Jen - forgot to congratulate you on your great weigh in!!!
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Sigh. It wasn't the best weekend. So, have not checked the scale. I did not stay on track as I would have liked. TOM showed up yesterday, so I attribute my indulging in sweets to that! I was also SO tired over the weekend that I didn't get in the walks I would have liked. But I am still soda-free, so that's a small NSV.

    Received a text from my mom late last night that my dad was being taken via ambulance to the nearest hospital. The diagnosis is a DVT clot in his right calf and a pulmonary embolism that is saddling the pulmonary artery between his lungs. We are so lucky this didn't land in his heart and kill him. Wish I was closer (they are in GA, I am in MN) so I could be there to support my mom. Dad will be in the hospital for 3-4 days and then home for as long as a month depending on how his body deals with the clots. Of course, this is on top of his bladder cancer! He will have to miss his treatment this week as he will still be in ICU.

    I have a good plan for today and the good news is when TOM arrives, my appetite usually drops off for a few days. DH is making another batch of homemade beef stew for supper, so that will also make good leftovers for lunches.

    AOTW: Will work on being more consistent with getting my walking in. Not only for weight loss, but to "feel" better, keep blood pressure down, etc. Concentrating on getting 10,000 steps at least 5 days this week.

    BBL! Have a great day!
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Morning All-

    Ugh- Mondays.

    Annie- Thanks! I now need to get moving with exercise. I find now as I get older TOM knocks me out energy wise. I kow how you feel about being so tired. Hope your Dad is doing ok. Scary when you are far away. I was 3000 miles away and I think the stress of my mom being sick and so far away (helpless feeling) made me indulge and eat more.

    Sara- 105?! That is hot!! I just saw some fires down south I think. You are north though, right? Stay cool

    AOTW: Water Water Water and Sleep earlier. I just bought a glass 20oz water bottle for work. I hope to get in 40oz at work and whatever I can at home. I am getting better with the sleep than the last weeks (I was up till 3am and then had to wake up by 6). I'm falling asleep around midnight and sleeping solid till 6am. I need more than 6 hours though. I also am trying to break the habit of sleeping in till 10 on weekends since that throws me off. This week I am going to aim for 11pm-6am and hopefully get to 10-6. I'd be happy with a solid 7 hours though.

    Lana- will be thinking of you. Hope you have a good drive home and visits ok at MSK
