Serial Starters



  • No_Playa
    No_Playa Posts: 27 Member
    remind me when I am complaining that tracking my food is not fun that trying to find something to wear to a wedding when you are near your all time high is really not fun. I refuse to buy anything so spanx. grrr. chamie
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Another group of ladies I knew from WW -we knit and meet on FB- are picking out a piece of clothing - dress/ pants/top etc and losing weight so we can fit into it (again). That is a different motivation and not based on a scale ##.

    Lana!! I stink at gardening so I have no desire for a large house ( I also wouldnt want to clean it) did some "shopping" online to see what the rents are in the area and I just decided to shut up and save when/ where I can.

    Frozen banana for after dinner treat.

    I might try and see if I can learn how to crochet a heart, need some warm fuzzies for work.

    Wishing all a great evening, may/may not fly by later - depends on if I am as tired as I think........
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Broke down and ate at Chipotle tonight. I had a veggie burrito bowl and went light on the cheese and sour cream. I'm sure it was too much sodium! Drinking more water tonight and got in 2 miles on the treadmill. Still soda-free!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I can not understand, how it is when I eat breakfast, I seem to be starving all day. When I don't eat or barely eat, a lot of the times I am fine most of the day. I tell myself, eat breakfast, it's better than starving myself. But, when I'm starving all day, I wonder if it is truly better.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Dawn if you are not barely eating normally during the day - do you then have large meals?? If you could break your food up into 3 meals and 2 snacks, would that work? Just wondering.

    Annie - you are doing so well and not drinking soda.

    There is a wonderful breeze out and I hope it stays all night to clean out the air.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good Morning, TGIF

    Last day for the loud angry discriminating (age, gender, race, sexual orientation) woman in our department. I will miss absolutely nothing about her. Even her intelligence came at a price. I look forward to Monday when people can relax a little.

    Taking a bag of pita chips, thought they might have a pot luck, nope. Taking anyway so I can have one serving and share.

    I hear frustration in people as they walk through their weight loss journey. Remember if you are on the journey you are better off than when you started because you are trying. The worst thing you can do is stop and go back to your old habits. For me that would involve Ben & Jerry ice cream in one sitting. Baking things to take to work and eating 30% before they get out the door. Seconds and worse on snacks and chocolate lined up waiting to eat at work. Just thinking of it makes me shudder. Sometimes I wish I could go back to my old habits but then I remember I hate blood pressure medicine.

    Will lurk from work. Wishing all a great Friday. B)

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Sara, you are echoing my sentiments this morning. I tracked everything yesterday. Went over. Realized I'm dipping in co-worker's candy dish too often. Felt frustrated. But would rather continue working toward the goal than backslide and regain the 25 lbs I have kept off. So, celebrating continued success in no-soda challenge and planning for a good day and a good weekend!

    Also, happy for you that your troublesome co-worker will be gone after today! :)

    I'm going to confess right now that I have promised to make apple crisp with DS tomorrow. He is leaving for college next week and is hungry for it. A mother must do what a mother must do. Will try to keep myself from indulging too much.

    It's going to be a cool weekend, so lovely for baking. Also lovely for getting outside for walks! Yay!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Good morning Ladies~~

    I just cleaned off my vanity/desk. I do it only once a year. What a nice difference. I knew of all of the things in this messy cramped apartment, that vanity needed to be clean when I come home from the hospital/hotel later next week. I did it!

    Dawn - what are you eating for breakfast? Whatever it is, change to something else before giving up on the breakfast idea. I need protein for breakfast to work for me. If it's carbs, yes, I will be hungry soon too, especially if it is sugary carbs.
    Drink water too in the morning.

    The Cabana Boys will be having a very special Happy Hour Poolside today in celebration of
    1) It's Friday and
    2) Nasty Woman from Hades is leaving Sara's workplace. "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" will be played by the band several times: reggae, samba, Beach Boys etc styles......
    Zero point cocktails and healthy snacks will be at the buffet.....

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Dawn...I agree. I drink water pretty much as soon as I get up and through the morning (along with my coffee). I typically drink about 30 oz. of water by lunchtime (plus my coffee). I also need protein in the morning or will be hungry all day. I eat a fried egg (or two) on most days. (fried with a little olive oil spray in the pan.)

    Lana - congrats on cleaning off that desk. Sometimes we just need to get those things done and it feels so freeing!
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Hi All-

    Lana- Get those cabana boys to bring over a bloody mary my way!

    Sara- I worked with someone who made me crazy and part of me returning to my new/old job was that this person is no longer here in my department sitting feet away from me. It makes a world of a difference when one bad apple leaves the bunch. Go celebrate!

    I've had a rough week food wise- lots of pasta- no veggies and several nights out for drinks. Since I am in SD for the weekend for a conference, I will not be at WI which kind of is a relief because it gives me the week to get back into gear. It's all such a mindgame for me.

    There is this other WW board on another site and they do a daily Beck Book thread. I'll be honest. I bought the book, read the first chapter and have not gone back. I need to really focus on that. It seems from the posts that it really helps people.

    The positive for me is that I am not sitting at home eating all night long infront of the tv. I'll be joining a gym on Monday (didn't I say that last week too). The other positive is that my local Starbucks (this is where I would go Mon-Fri) really changed in the 3 years I was gone. But then again so has the town. The friendliness of the baristas is gone and so I don't like going in there in the mornings. For me sometimes its not even about the food but the experience or routine.

    Had an interesting conversation with a friend. She is retired and she and husband have wine at 4:30pm. She said it was a glass then two and basically they split a bottle of wine a day. She realized it was the routine of it, the ritual of it. She said she was not feeling like she had a problem with the alcohol but she thought - this is not a good habit to get into. For me, it was the morning Starbucks/cafe stop on the way to work. I live alone and it was nice to go into a place where people knew you and were friendly and a nice start to the day before work. I realized these past 2 1/2 weeks (thats how long I've been back at work) that I go in and they dont speak to customers or even each other. It makes me feel like why bother going in there. It's a good thing in a way.

    I have a cafe (small mom/pop place) I walk to on Sat/Sun and I enjoy going int here for a cappacino and conversation. It's very homey there.

    Ok I've rambled.
    Havea a great Friday-
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    cboys - music request - "Hit the road Jack"..... at work bbl
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    A little "note" to my friends Sara and Jen and Annie and Dawn and Chamie and Liz.....

    You all take good care of yourselves over the next few days. I have been pretty busy and self-centered, hopefully understandably, these days and I know I've missed commenting on some things that have been going on in your lives.
    I will get moreso over the next week, with the surgery on Monday. My sister will be in town as of tomorrow evening.
    I need to come to this thread to keep myself right side up, but I may not have energy to do more than pipe up that I'm doing OK. So forgive in advance the one-sided postings you will read. Plus!: I have no idea how the pain meds will affect me. Don't worry about not hearing from me for a while.

    I love you all bunches and bunches.

    Sara - snap your fingers often and keep those Cabana Boys in line. *wink and a smile*

    Extra pillow fluffing for all: It's the weekend! I am having a martini---cheers!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    edited August 2016
    Lana I was wondering is there any way you can make some meals ahead so that you/your sister/your husband wont have to do a lot? Luckily if nothing else you can order out like no other place on the planet..... Stop by when you can just so we know you are plugging along

    That woman did not even show up for work, her cubicle is completely empty of anything other than "trash" and "Don't let the screen door hit you, on your way out" - line from 1970's song Sanford Townsend / "Smoke from a distant fire" if you have not heard it, you tube it. Excellent lyrics.

    Thinking of meals to make for next week. Too tired/bored to care, hope something interests me soon enough.

    Hope everyone has a good evening.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Hey Lana - mind if I stop by and sleep on the lounge chair next to you??
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    okay one more -- Lana - we are going to try and sneak in a couple of the Cboys into the hospital to keep watch and make sure things go okay, so one of those techs may just moonlight under your Palm Tree!!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Three times now I have typed everything out and I get kicked out of Community. Frustration. So, I will try quickly to make sense. The days I actually cook breakfast, eggs or protein shake, I am hungrier than the days I have a spoonful of PB. I drink 64+ oz of water, every day. That is what I don't understand. I get full on eggs and such. But, am starved well before lunch.
    Hope all goes well, Lana
    I will try to check in this weekend. Off to moms birthday celebration.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    edited August 2016

    Good morning,

    Dog ill most of night and luckily she is doing better. I feel like I got run over by a bulldozer, so will look for a little more sleep.

    Made rice late last night for dog (served with fat free chicken broth otherwise I get that "look" from her) and gave me an idea to make "breakfast tacos" with eggs/rice/ beans/ cheese -for dinner. Easy enough and I was thinking about eggs this week anyway.

    Dawn - your question is a good one, but I do know that if I dont eat every couple of hours I eat too much at lunch/dinner. Think about peanut butter/carrots, handful of nuts or pita chips and hummus- for snack between breakfast and lunch.

    Errands and then I will stop by again. Wave to all who follow.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Lana - sending over the video of the towel fight that the cboys had last night..... real eye opener.

    Dog is doing better and I will knit, read,sleep - not necessarily in that order.

    One set of baby hats (2) for supervisor and his wife having twins - same pattern different yarn colors will have flowers I crocheted on (2 different colors - they are not identical twins) and the other two will have hearts I learned how to make this week. Small projects with big pay offs.

    Wish I could say the same about my meals. Oh well quit whining......
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Hello All-

    Lana come visit when you can- no need to write but know that we are all thinking of you and sending out the best vibes to you.

    I don't know how many of your are vertically challenged. I stand at 5.2' but I think I'm shrinking due to bad posture. I look at my aunt who is in her 80s and I swear she is about 2 feet tall now! : )
    Anyway... saw this article posted on another thread- thought it was interesting (and a bit depressing since it basically described me to a T). Thought I'd share-

    Sara- breakfast tacos sound good!

    I feel like I had a bad week eating and now at this conference in San Diego they are feeding us nonstop but it's all very carb heavy. Feeling just sluggish. I dont have any full length mirrors and find that I dont even like looking at myself in one anymore at all - yesterday I caught myself -- well actually had 18 floors in the elevator to look at myself - as the doors were all mirrorized. Ugh. Did not like what I saw at all.

    Have any of you tried to get on the WW connect site?
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Hi Jen---

    Re the WW Connect, maybe Dawn or Annie can tell you, or maybe Chamie or a new visitor......but Sara and I both quit WW after they decided to get rid of the boards.

    Don't let anything discourage you. It is hard to lose weight, but we can eat healthy as often as possible and slowly develop new good habits.....
