Hello, My name is Keila and I have started a motivational group but needless to say, I am very frustrated with all 3 of my friends who have been MIA since we started a week ago. In the meantime, I have been toiling away alone trying to lose these last 23 1lbs and would love to hear from other moms such as myself who are…
Check the fitness blog to see our fitness challenge for february and respond so I can see how many of you are already taking those multivitamins. I may have to add another challenge ;-) Keep it up ladies! You are looking FANTASTIC!!!
Hello Mommies This is week 1 and I see that all of you have been giving us healthy eating advice and sharing a lot of helpful information. THANK YOU! Now it's time to get down to business, what we are all in this group to do GET FIT FOR LIFE! Post your weight and inches lost here and I will comple a complete list on my…
Hi, I am 3 weeks into my fitness program and loving it! I have so far lost 3.5 1lbs and I feel great already. I have gained a fondness of pilates and yoga. I'm just a beginner so far but it really works wonders on the body. Good luck to everyone in reaching their fitness goals this year!