Is it just me or is being an very overweight apple shape like the kiss of cute clothing death for a woman? Blah!
Well let's see today I'm feeling frustrated, angry, belligerent, overwhelmed, defeated, annoyed, and just overall PO'd! Why? Why can't I control myself. I start out on a healthier lifestyle aka diet and everything goes pretty well. I lose 20 or so lbs when I need to lose about 80 or so then it all goes to hell. Usually…
Does anyone have any quickish dinner ideas that do not contain the word chicken? If I eat another piece of chicken I might sprout feathers and flog something. Ugh! Turkey is getting in that camp too, but not as bad.
I've had a pretty craptastic day. What I could really use is all of the dumb and cheezy jokes, puns, and horrible pick up lines y'all can toss out there. I need a laugh. So mfp peeps what have you got?
I'm increasing my mileage daily and I love it. I've been trying to get in about 6 miles every other day and then 2 on the days off. I have one small problem I keep getting blisters. On my heels, toes, and sides of my feet. I have tried changing my walking and being very aware of foot placement to different socks. My shoes…