Enchiladas! The way I make them is a whole days worth of calories and everything else...so if you have a recipe that you've actually tried and loved-please share! Ive been craving and some of the recipes on line just don't seem yummy enough THANKS!
I have a package of boneless skinless chicken thighs-and I always just cook them in coconut oil or in soup any other suggestions-im searching internet-but nothing is standing out to me yet
I have been training for my first half marathon for MONTHS!! Its in 2 weeks...aaannndd I tore a muscle in my foot! I cant walk on it and Im in a giant boot for weeks. Yeah Im bummed and cried I know there will be others but damn it im so angry!! right now I don't even want to think about another marathon-or running The Dr…
And im nervous!! Ive been running and training for my first half marathon and I know I need to get other exercise in -but im so nervous. I don't know anything about any equipment. I feel like I wouldn't know whats the best to start with? how to use it? how to clean it when im done? and im embarrassed to ask these questions…
So my first half marathon is april 26...I usually run 3-5miles2-3x a week. There are so many training programs. ..some with more strength training than running. Have you tried any? Do you feel it worked? Thanks!
Ok im training for my first half marathon. Im at the point where I need to use a gel/chomp. At the marathon they will have gu brand and I want to make sure i do ok with these just in case. But how much do I use? Theres 8 chomps in a pkg and I got the energy gel. The experienced runner im doing this with is on a cruise (im…
Im training for my first half marathon in april and I need a play list. I usually listen to radio r pandora but im skipping over everything! Im open to anything as lng as it keeps me going and yes ive tried play list from spotify too suggestions? ??