Every day, the local city swimming pool opens their " lazy river" water feature so people can either walk with or against the current. Today, I am going to stuff myself into my swimming suit, put on my boat shoes (because the pool bottom will tear up your toes) and go for a pool walk. Has anybody tried this or does anyone…
I eat right, stay within my calories, but it seems one day of no exercise or too much salt, sugar, a pat of butter...and everything is for naught. So little, any type of transgression springs talk and stands between me and losing another pound. UGH.
So my grandmother never swore in her life. But she used to say "Heavens to Betsy" when she was grateful or "Good Gravy" when she was angry. Anyone know where these two sayings originated?
I am one week into starting again, dieting and exercising. Looking for someone with a good sense of humor to connect and share motivation and stories. Teresa
I made my New Year's Resoultion on March 1 and joined an exercise program and started here with myfitness pal. As far as exercise goes, I am thankful for Aleve. As far as dieting, I would like to find friends in the over 50 crowd needing to lose 30-40 pounds.