Just wanted to thank eveyone on the site for all of your posts. I don't respond to a lot of you, but I read just about every post here. I've learned so much from your questions and answers. Because of you, I have changed the way I think. It is no longer so important to me what the scale reads or how much I lose. The most…
I know that there has been a previous post about going over on protein counts, but I'm still not sure what I need to do. Without exercise, MFP recommends 45 g per day for me. I eat whole grain breads and pastas (5-8g), edamame or soy beans (8g), and I drink milk or eat yogurt (7-8g). By the time I add in the protein from…
Hi, all. I've been invited to a casserole dinner. Does anyone have a healthy chicken casserole recipe? Thanks! Judy
I found this site while looking for a calorie counter--just had to have a better way to keep up with everything. This looks great! Not only a way to keep up with it all, but also support and motivation from others who are going through the same struggles. I attend a weight loss support group locally, but sometimes I need…