Your Vote for Best Dieting Gadget/Item?
I have $50 of Christmas money that I want to use for something that's going to help me with my renewed, New Year's determination to get back on the eat right/exercise wagon. What is the single item, $50 or less, that you have found to help you lose weight and/or stay inspired?
Diet Soda and Weight Loss
I know that I shouldn't drink diet soda because it's bad for me. I'm considering giving it up (again...ahem) but was curious if anyone has seen a marked improvement in their weight loss as a result of giving up diet soda (or any beverage that's artificially sweetened)? I've read articles that say diet soda is connected to…
Recommendations on Heart Rate Monitors?
I'm looking to get a heart rate monitor in the next month or so. I've never had or used one, and am looking for suggestions. Do you have a HRM that you like? Don't like? Any advice is appreciated!