I have always been attracted to women. At first I thought it was a phase. But then I actually fell in love with one. I had already told my best friend and that was just several months ago. And I also told a few family members.. I didn't care about who else knew I was really worried about my mother finding out and how she…
Comment which one you are and add me if you want :P
I've been noticing a lot of stud on stud action goin on and i'm not to happy about it! I have nothing against stud on stud but damn us femmes need love too. lol.. I wanna know what makes a stud want another stud instead of femmes.. And I've noticed alot of femmes have been tryna strap me down lmaoo.. Why? I'm a femme and I…
I need more of the lgbt fam on my timeline. So add me. My instagram is xoNastyGal and my FAcebook is Rich Honey Redd
Hey you guys.. I'm a bisexual femme .. 18 ... and I could use more LGBTQ friends.. so feel free to add me
Hey yall.. I'm new to the group and I need more motivation.. Feel free to add me :)
Hey you guys.. I'm new.. ADD meee.. I need motivation :)