Hey, so iv asked this question befor but never really got a straight anwser ...how many squats should I be doing, id like. To see results by this summer, I have weights to squat with, and I no my form is correct, ..just dont no how many I need to do to achieve my gole ...witch is actually haveing a butt :)
So im currently trying to drop some weight, last time I lost weight I had no but!!!, but befor I lost weight I also had no but lol ...my back. And but have always been one over weight. Or not .s..will adding. Lots of squats help me?I have no fat back thier to shape
I have been doing p90xfor a month now and love it I feel great, was just wondering if anyone els is or has used it and whats ur thoughts, stories on it?
I have always struggled with my weight, iv lost and gained it all my life I got this. Diet and exercise thing down ..I gained over 100pou100 ponds with my littel girl who is 8months now befor I got Oregon I was 145and had worked hard o get thier now im at 215....im working out p90x,and elliptical and I lift, but I carry my…