I like to experiment with different things to mix up and make a pancake, and this is by far my favorite. 1/3 c dry oatmeal 1 scoop of vanilla protein (I use Trutein) 1/2 tsp olive oil 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 egg 1/2 banana Water (just enough to be able to mix in the blender) Mix together until smooth, then stir in some…
I have about 51 lbs to go before I reach my goal weight and I'm hoping I can do that in 200 days. The calculates to about 28.5 weeks which means I need to lose 1.8 lbs per week. Totally doable, right!? I've just hit my first milestone (10 lbs lost) and it's really kick started the motivation level!!! I'm screaming inside…
Ok MFP and your dang ads, you sucked me into Graze Box. I get my 1st and 5th box free and the ratings are good and it's only $12 a month so why the heck not? Anyway, they gave me a friend code so anyone who signs up with it can get their 1st and 5th box free also. Use LARAH3LFP under promo code if you decide to sign up.…
A couple years ago I started feeling pain in my left foot, like lightning bolts or something and it kept me away from the gym for awhile. Nothing in particular triggers the pain usually, just standing on my foot. Last year I went to the doctor many times to figure out what the problem was. He suggested wider shoes, gave me…
I've been at work for less than 2 hours and answered 30 calls from phone scammers and it will continue for the rest of the day. This happens about once every other month. I'm running out of ideas on how to screw with them. Give me what ya got!