Morton's Nueroma?

A couple years ago I started feeling pain in my left foot, like lightning bolts or something and it kept me away from the gym for awhile. Nothing in particular triggers the pain usually, just standing on my foot.
Last year I went to the doctor many times to figure out what the problem was. He suggested wider shoes, gave me a cortisone shot in my foot, felt around and said there was a potential lump so he ordered me an MRI. The MRI showed aggravated tendons in the front part of my foot and suggested I keep weight off of it and gave me a walking boot for a month. That did nothing.
There's a connection between a certain part of of the ball of my foot where a callous has formed and the lightning bolts. It doesn't matter the shoe I wear, if I am on my foot it SOMETIMES hurts, and it's holding me back from a lot of things I'm working towards, like being good at running.
Has anyone else ever had this problem and is there any other solution besides surgery for it?


  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member
    My fiance has Morton's Nueroma. . .it's like a knot on the top of his foot (kinda between the bones).

    The one thing that worked for him to relieve the pain was accupuncture (and a good foot massage every now and then).
  • necca68
    necca68 Posts: 11 Member
    Sounds like a Morton's Nueroma. I had one in my right foot which I had taken care of by surgery. Pain free in my right foot now! BUT, my left foot now has one now! Same type of pain you are describing. I haven't done anything about my left foot yet, but when I do, I will get the surgery. The shots, foot/sole insert for my shoe, etc. did NOTHING to help my other foot, but the surgery did wonders!
  • toiletski
    toiletski Posts: 126 Member
    @Zippy, is the accupuncture is only a temporary solution??

    @necca I was afraid of that. I've never had any kind of surgery in my life and I'm so afraid of being temporarily incapacitated to recover from it. What kind of surgery do they do and how long does it take to get back to a regular routine?
  • toiletski
    toiletski Posts: 126 Member
    bumping for more insight
    Also I think I'm developing plantar fasciitis in the same foot. Are these related?
  • aqwas
    aqwas Posts: 7
    I can't speak for Morton's Neuroma myself, but my plantar fasciitis was totally cured with good orthotics. If you happen to be in the Portland, OR area I can send you my podiatrist's contact info. He's kind of a weird guy but the orthotics were spot on. Whatever shoes you wear, make sure they are roomy/wide and "your toes can dance". If your toes can't wriggle very freely, you need new shoes and/or new orthotics.

    My hubby had Morton's Neuroma and a cortisone injection made it go away. He also got much wider shoes with a big toe box.