I was on Youtube and came across "Freelee The Banana Girl" (http://www.youtube.com/user/Freelea/videos) She only eats raw vegan food and I was wondering if thats a good route to go down and how to sta…
It seems that whenever I eat breakfast (Usually dry cereal or oatmeal with a banana or apple) It tend to eat more throughout the day. I know your *suppose* to eat breakfast and everything but would it…
I've been getting a lot of mixed reviews when it comes to these guys. Do crunches work well for any of you? My aunt told me that crunches do nothing but I'm not so sure. Would doing 100-150 a day show…
Do you guys have any tips to flat out stop binging? Im always really good for a while and then all of a sudden I just can't stop myself from eating. It makes me feel so disgusting and uncontrollable a…
There is the general straight out of the book definition describing it as to indulge, but personally what do you consider a 'binge' for yourself? There has been some conservancy over this but I know i…
I binged 3 days in a row and over those 3 days I probably had 7000 calories (disgusting I know) my weight shot up to 125. Then today I ate dinner and drank 2L water and now I'm at 128, I'm normally 11…