Hi. I live in St. Louis and love exercising. Just wanted to see if any would want to be fitness pals :) Pls feel free to add me if you like making new friends. Thanks. Enjoy the moment!
Hi. Fitness pals. I'm from St. Louis. I've been running on the treadmill for about half a year, but I'm kinda confused now because I don't know how to control my heart rate. I've done some research and they said the ideal heart rate is around 140 but when I run at a speed of 5.7 miles an hour, my heart rate is always…
I'm 115lb now and my goal is 80 pounds. Any from St. Louis or other places wanna be friends and encourage and support each other?
Hi. I'm from St. Louis. I'm happy to run into this website while doing some research and decided to join it. I think it's great to get support and to provide support to each other and it's even better to make some workout friends :happy: Add me if you love running and other workouts :smile: If you are in the same city and…