I am trying to gain weight (not bulk just gain) back story is basically some growth concerns were brought up along with the fact that id yet to really gain anything at 32 weeks preg I was told to fatten up to get plenty of nutrients to baby and get growth back on track. I started on 3500 callories a day and did pretty…
its really annoying me that the weight tracker on my profile says 0 progress because iv gained 6 lbs. Is there a special setting to get it to track what you've gained instead of what you've lost? also does anyone have tips for good snacks to keep in a bag? im going to be out and about alot here soon and I need things that…
So i need to gain weight and quickly iv got about 3 more weeks to have gained as much as possible. Im not muscle building simply gaining weight preferably via nutrient dense foods as its for growth issues in pregnancy. for the past 2 weeks (when i was first told to start gaining and fast) Iv been shooting for 3500 cals a…
so im trying to gain weight but I belive the site has my calorie intake much lower then it should be I think this is happening becuse when I calculate on my own im adding in calories becuse I am both pregnant and nurseing but I cant find a way to let the site know this information. can this be added in or do i just need to…