I am looking for myfitnesspal's who live in Western or central NY who also geocache. I want to know how often they use it as their exercise, where some favorite hikes are, and ideas for best caches when i finally make it to your area. So first off Western and Central NY, maybe a little of any of the rest of the state, and…
I have a bit of a discrepancy here, not sure what to enter. bike ride one I custom entered the map today, and bike ride two i let the mapmyride program do it. together it says i burned 1432 calories. Most of the time my watch is very close to that number. The watch goes by heart rate, the longer your heart (in the optimal…
To someone who knows fitness, Biking in particular; I use the MapMyRide app, and it calculates my calories burned. Even if you are not familiar with the app, I hope someone can answer this question. It calculates based on a normal users way of riding a bike. I however ride differently and the app cannot tell that. I don't…