Hi Everyone, I think I have it right. Here is the link to the weigh-in spreadsheet. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApjOvMXNrSmRdGM4Q2h5ZS1jajJPeVVhY2luaE5yWkE#gid=0 If you see errors let me know. Thanks. ALSO: If you were in the Winter Weigh in, I just put your last weigh in as your starting weight, but feel…
I could use some help. Today is my one week anniversary. I've stayed below my calories, I worked out every day, and my check in today shows I have lost .1 pound. Seriously? What am I doing wrong? My diary is open, and I could really use some advise. It hard not to be discouraged... EDIT: diary opened