Is there a topic for this? Because there should be. So....what are everyone's favorite food and recipe blogs? I like Skinny Taste (obviously) and I've also read Foodie Fiasco in the past (written by someone younger than me, but still good!). Healthy Happy Life is awesome for vegan stuff too.
Hi, everyone. I've seen around the Internets (and I assume most of you have too) that drinking tea and coffee can increase one's metabolism and promote weight loss. Of course there is no conclusive evidence either way, but I was wondering if any fellow MFPer's have advice or experience in this regard. Has drinking tea…
Hi, newbie here. To supplement my running I have started to do strength exercises in my house, but I don't know how many calories I have burned. First of all, I would like to know how many calories do most people burn during an hour or so of weight lifting at the gym? My workout is fairly light but I have no idea of how…