How Many Calories Do You Burn?

Hi, newbie here.

To supplement my running I have started to do strength exercises in my house, but I don't know how many calories I have burned. First of all, I would like to know how many calories do most people burn during an hour or so of weight lifting at the gym?

My workout is fairly light but I have no idea of how many calories it burns. I start with about 15-20 minutes of cardiovascular stuff like "running" on a step bench and things like that, then I do about 40 minutes of very light strength exercises (I can only do about 5 pounds per arm---I know) consisting of about five exercises, 60 reps each. I also do push-ups and crunches. How many calories does it seem like one would burn (for a small person of about 120 lbs)? As of late I have been manually inputting a burn of about 200 calories but I really have no clue.

Thank you for your assistance!
