Today it has been 1 year since I began this fantastic fitness journey. I didn’t realize that my journey was to get fit and be strong—I thought it was just to lose weight and look good. Somewhere between Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred and my surprise Half Marathon a couple days ago, somewhere during the Color Run, or the…
I was with my 13 year old daughter at the gym last night. She is just starting SL 5x5. A guy came up to us and said she needed to slow down and not go so low on her squats--his recommendation was parallel, or maybe slightly below, but too much and she was going to damage her kneecaps. I have not heard this before, and I…
So I had some sort of muscle spasm/strain thing happen last week. I think it was from surfing, not from lifting. However, I skipped lifting last week, and just tried again this am. Little sore after, but nothing major. Prior to the back thing, I was at 160 lbs for squats and 185 for DL. This AM, I did 125 lb squats, and…