I've been trying to change habits instead of dieting for "X" amount of time. As a big Coke drinker I have gone from a 20 oz a day to one a week. I am drinking water instead. I have almost kicked the habit all together! We are also a family who would eat out 2-4 times a week. We have gone to about 2 or three times in a…
I want to manually change the allotted calories. I found in settings where I can change it by changing the amount of weight I want to lose per week. However I just want to go in and set the amount of calories myself. Where can I do that? I thought I had done that at some point before but can't find how I did that.
I am sure I am eating at a deficit, 1400 calories. I just don't know what that deficit is from. I assume it is from the actual calories my body needs to function. How do I figure that number out?
What are "macros"? I have been reading threads and hear mention of calories and macros. So what are they?
I am looking for a site, print out or guide of sorts that says 1400 calories looks like "this". Meaning per day you can have 6 oz of protein, 4 servings of veg....etc. I keep finding actual meal plans or sites that say 6 servings of grain, 3 fruits. One site just said 12 servings of carbs, with protein and oil serving…
Trying this whole be healthy thing again. So far so good. Into the 2nd week of the Dr.Oz 2 week rapid weight loss. It has been a nice jump start for sure. Our last day for this will be on Friday. So Saturday we start to add foods back in without bad carbs, maybe going gluten free all together. We are also not adding back…