Do any of y'all have some tips on shrinking stomach fat? I'm losing weight everywhere BUT there & it's depressing me. I can't stand it anymore. I've never had kids & I'm only 19 so there is no reason for this. My mom said our body type sucks but still. I guess I'm having a hard time accepting it? I don't know. -_-
My main goal is getting rid of this stomach fat! It won't leave! I've researched ways to burn off stomach fat, but I got so many different answers! What did y'all do to burn stomach fat? What foods should I eat? Avoid? What exercises should I try? I'm desperate. Losing weight has become my main focus & it's frustrating the…
Is swimming laps a good form of exercise? How many laps is a good work out? How many times a week?
I've lost 27 pounds since May of 2013 & this past month & a half, I've hit a plateau. Some times I think, "Who cares!!! I'll always be fat. Nothing is working!" & then the next I'm really determined. I eat less than 1500 calories a day , do 20-30 min of cardio/aerobics, & go on 30+ minute walk. I'm in classes at lone star…