chellseaworley101 Member


  • The last straw was a month before my high school graduation about 2 years ago. I never knew how fat I was, honestly. My boyfriend's family keeps A scale in their garage right by the door. One day as we were taking our shoes off to enter the house, he wanted to weigh himself for fun (he's not fat & doesn't care about his…
  • My name is Chellsea & I'm 19 years old! I log on daily (124 day streak) & I have about ten pounds to go to get to my goal weight! Then I'll take it from there. I've hit a plateau & I really need some motivation & tips on how to get a flat tummy! So add me! :)
  • I'm a decent swimmer. I have been swimming since I was 2, & lifeguarding/teaching swim lessons for 5 years. I'm not the best, but I'm pretty decent. I'm only "fast" when adrenaline kicks in when someone is drowning while up in the stands. I work at Humble Pool & it's pretty big I'd say. I swim from shallow to deep. I want…
  • Thanks for all the responses. From this post I see that I need to focus more on strength training (I already do a LOT of Cardio) & eating more. Thankfully water and coffee are the only things I drink. (More water than anything) so I don't have to put an effort to drink more water. Haha. My sister says my belly has shrunk…
  • I use the Garden of Life Raw Protein! It's all natural, and vegan recommended. There's no artificial flavors and it's healthy! :) It comes in Chocolate & Vanilla!
  • Do any of y'all know some good weightlifting routines I can do at home? I have two 5lbs dumb bells. I use them in Denise Austin work out videos. She has some strength training segments.
  • I'll add you. I think I'm headed towards depression. I cry over my fatness on a daily basis. It's getting out of hand. I've lost 27 pounds & still hate my body. I think the problem is that I lack support & understanding. My boyfriend eats whatever he wants & stays skinny. My best friend lost 35 pounds because she got…
  • I know that! The walking is the same of course because it's just walking, but I change up the videos regularly & I even ordered more 2 weeks ago. I make sure to switch it up and try new things.
  • I have okay health insurance. I'm thinking about going to a doctor. I just don't have a lot of money at the moment. I have bills to pay and I'm a broke college kid.
  • How will eating more calories make me lose weight? That confuses me. I don't even like eating more than 1500 calories; it freaks me out.
  • Same! I hate the "I did good yesterday so..." Feeling!
  • I did strength training 2-3 times a week at my gym but saw no results! Unfortunately my gym recently closed down. But I have dumbbells & use them in my cardio. I do a kickboxing class Mon & Friday. I use work out videos Tues-Thurs, Sat, & Sun. I switch it up, but some are "strengthening & toning" videos or cardio &…