Stomach fat



  • chellseaworley101
    chellseaworley101 Posts: 16 Member
    Do any of y'all know some good weightlifting routines I can do at home? I have two 5lbs dumb bells. I use them in Denise Austin work out videos. She has some strength training segments.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Do any of y'all know some good weightlifting routines I can do at home? I have two 5lbs dumb bells. I use them in Denise Austin work out videos. She has some strength training segments.

    I'm going to start off with 5lbs is wayyyyyyyy too light for you.

    New rules for lifting would be a good place to start, but you'd need more equipment or a gym. Maybe look at you are your own gym or convict conditioning for some solid body weight routines.

    I'm also going to assume any thing Denise Austin does is mostly cardio based.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    My stomach has shrunk and toned considerably from 4 months of clean eating and working out. Cutting processed foods and eating at a calorie deficit will def give you results. Also drink nothing but water & green tea (lots) and be patient. The results will come ! Good luck.

    ^ This is what I've heard from numerous sources and experienced individuals.

    Sources like what? Women's Fitness Magazine and some friends who lost weight doing it and assume it's the only way? You don't have to restrict anything, unless you have a medical condition

    *sigh* And here we go as usual with the same old tired argument. Looked at your diary. 2350 calorie goal. Now try eating all that garbage on a deficit.
    *sigh* says the grown man eating 1200 calories.
    Lol. Love it.

    Disclaimer -Anyone who wants to criticize me on my diary feel free. I don't log a lot of stuff, just because. Some days I don't log, just because. But i do take plenty of pictures for my food porn.
    I do not eat 'clean' and I have lost about 8.5 pounds in my most recent cut …my diary is open ...
    Is that so? Then why did you put your shirt on, huh, HUH? What are you hiding?

    all the ladies missed my lovely face….:)
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    My stomach has shrunk and toned considerably from 4 months of clean eating and working out. Cutting processed foods and eating at a calorie deficit will def give you results. Also drink nothing but water & green tea (lots) and be patient. The results will come ! Good luck.

    ^ This is what I've heard from numerous sources and experienced individuals.

    Sources like what? Women's Fitness Magazine and some friends who lost weight doing it and assume it's the only way? You don't have to restrict anything, unless you have a medical condition

    *sigh* And here we go as usual with the same old tired argument. Looked at your diary. 2350 calorie goal. Now try eating all that garbage on a deficit.
    *sigh* says the grown man eating 1200 calories.

    Fair enough. Probably not the best week to look at my intake. I'm doing a crapload of exercize this week and it kills my appetite.
    odd, since I went back further and you have averaged between 1100-1300 calories, with one day over 1700 since you started.
    I went back and looked at all of your diary, this week was a pretty good representation of what you've done since you started back on march 16th. you're undereating.
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    stomach fat will take a while just be patient keep eating right and doing your daily exercises also drink enough water in your day .. it took me 3 months to loose 2 pounds of stomach fat it takes long but it will slim down eventually if its even fat:bigsmile:
  • natashabefit
  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    My stomach has shrunk and toned considerably from 4 months of clean eating and working out. Cutting processed foods and eating at a calorie deficit will def give you results. Also drink nothing but water & green tea (lots) and be patient. The results will come ! Good luck.

    ^ This is what I've heard from numerous sources and experienced individuals.

    Sources like what? Women's Fitness Magazine and some friends who lost weight doing it and assume it's the only way? You don't have to restrict anything, unless you have a medical condition

    *sigh* And here we go as usual with the same old tired argument. Looked at your diary. 2350 calorie goal. Now try eating all that garbage on a deficit.
    *sigh* says the grown man eating 1200 calories.

    Fair enough. Probably not the best week to look at my intake. I'm doing a crapload of exercize this week and it kills my appetite.
    odd, since I went back further and you have averaged between 1100-1300 calories, with one day over 1700 since you started.
    I went back and looked at all of your diary, this week was a pretty good representation of what you've done since you started back on march 16th. you're undereating.

    I didn't come here to play games for years on end and continue stuffing my face with garbage. I came here to get a job done, and it's getting done.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Do any of y'all know some good weightlifting routines I can do at home? I have two 5lbs dumb bells. I use them in Denise Austin work out videos. She has some strength training segments.

    I'm going to start off with 5lbs is wayyyyyyyy too light for you.

    New rules for lifting would be a good place to start, but you'd need more equipment or a gym. Maybe look at you are your own gym or convict conditioning for some solid body weight routines.

    I'm also going to assume any thing Denise Austin does is mostly cardio based.

    5lbs is light for some of the major lifts. But it could be just right for starting off with some of the isolation type movements. But if she's really knew, it might be beneficial for her to start off some of the exercises at bodyweight in order to build up to weights or/and work on form.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Do any of y'all know some good weightlifting routines I can do at home? I have two 5lbs dumb bells. I use them in Denise Austin work out videos. She has some strength training segments.

    You'll probably want to invest in heavier dumbbells as you'll probably progress very quickly past the 5lbs. There are sets that use plates so that progressing is easier (versus buying individual dumbbells). Look up the Cap Dumbbell set on Amazon. It's around $50.

    Some routines you can look into to learn more about lifting and progress:

    Starting Strenght
    New Rules of Lifting

    *note - even those feature barbells, there are dumbbell variations for these. You may not progress in weight as fast, but it can still be done. has a great exercise database for variations and also beginner programmers (like from Jamie Eason).

    There are also routines that use only bodyweight that might interest you until you are able to get heavier equipment:

    You Are Your Own Gym
    Convict Conditioning
  • Sleevarilla
    Sleevarilla Posts: 27 Member
    Since nobody else seems to have taken the time to actually read your post and look at your pics .... let me add this:

    You are a 19 y/o beautiful young woman. Your pics do not depict a woman with a huge stomach fat problem. I read your post as someone who was calling for help or affirmation that you look ok. So, you look ok. Please do not spend your wonderful youth obsessing over your imagined "belly fat." Eat what you need to eat, work out like you need to work out, read the books about lifting that were mentioned and build that lovely muscle.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Since nobody else seems to have taken the time to actually read your post and look at your pics .... let me add this:

    You are a 19 y/o beautiful young woman. Your pics do not depict a woman with a huge stomach fat problem. I read your post as someone who was calling for help or affirmation that you look ok. So, you look ok. Please do not spend your wonderful youth obsessing over your imagined "belly fat." Eat what you need to eat, work out like you need to work out, read the books about lifting that were mentioned and build that lovely muscle.

    Well, if you had taken the time to actually read the thread, you'd see that the OP came back and asked additional questions. Not only that, the info/posts made in this thread were "supportive", on topic, informative, and if followed, may help the OP in many ways in both fitness and confidence.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member

    You'll probably want to invest in heavier dumbbells as you'll probably progress very quickly past the 5lbs. There are sets that use plates so that progressing is easier (versus buying individual dumbbells). Look up the Cap Dumbbell set on Amazon. It's around $50.

    Some routines you can look into to learn more about lifting and progress:

    Starting Strenght
    New Rules of Lifting

    *note - even those feature barbells, there are dumbbell variations for these. You may not progress in weight as fast, but it can still be done. has a great exercise database for variations and also beginner programmers (like from Jamie Eason).

    There are also routines that use only bodyweight that might interest you until you are able to get heavier equipment:

    You Are Your Own Gym
    Convict Conditioning

    I have the Cap set. I like them. You can individual plates as you need to to add more weight than what came with the set.

    Also, I have found a great work out that is based on dumb bells, if you don't have a place for bar.
  • Lifelink
    Lifelink Posts: 193 Member
    Sources like what? Women's Fitness Magazine and some friends who lost weight doing it and assume it's the only way? You don't have to restrict anything, unless you have a medical condition

    Actually, it is true for MOST people, due to genetics, for the last place to lose body fat completely is in the mid section. Genetics play a huge role in how body fat is proportioned in your body.

    And weight loss will always come down to calories in vs calories out. Your lifting and various other activities help create that deficit instead of having to manually do it yourself with your food intake. If you didn't know that... then you've done a lot for yourself with no education on the subject.
  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    I've lost mine and toned all over through doing daily yoga alongside a healthy deficit. I've also found that it dramatically helped reduce cellulite visibility, which is a massive plus :) You don't have to do any lifting if you have patience (from my experience anyway, before anyone jumps my throat for contradicting what they are adamant is the best thing everyone).

    Do take into account though I've only lost around a stone, have never been overweight and I'm very near my goal which is a healthy BMI of just under 21.

    Perhaps it worked so well for me because of a mixture of different factors but it's probably worth a try before you fork out on expensive equipment for a workout you might find you don't enjoy or need to do.
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    I've had stomach fat even when I was in high school and was relatively thin (5' 4"/120 lbs when I graduated, slightly less before then). It takes a lot of discipline and it's very slow to come off, but it looks great once you've succeeded. Good luck!
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    My stomach has shrunk and toned considerably from 4 months of clean eating and working out. Cutting processed foods and eating at a calorie deficit will def give you results. Also drink nothing but water & green tea (lots) and be patient. The results will come ! Good luck. 

    ^ This is what I've heard from numerous sources and experienced individuals. 

    Sources like what? Women's Fitness Magazine and some friends who lost weight doing it and assume it's the only way? You don't have to restrict anything, unless you have a medical condition 
    Actually, it is true for MOST people, due to genetics, for the last place to lose body fat completely is in the mid section. Genetics play a huge role in how body fat is proportioned in your body.

    And weight loss will always come down to calories in vs calories out. Your lifting and various other activities help create that deficit instead of having to manually do it yourself with your food intake. If you didn't know that... then you've done a lot for yourself with no education on the subject.

    Here. I grabbed the whole convo. since you wanted to cherry pick my response.

    I am well aware calorie deficit results in weight loss.... My reply was in response to the necessity to eat "clean" (whatever that means) and cutting out foods.

    I have replied to another poster on how my personal genetics have made my stomach the last place I lost from....

    I think perhaps you misunderstood my response? I don't know what miracle I'd be performing to spend 9 months losing 53 lbs and tracking calories to be blissfully unaware of what a calorie deficit was
  • KyliAnne26
    KyliAnne26 Posts: 209 Member
    Just throwing this out there, I may be wrong or may be right - honestly, it doesn't really matter to me, but it might be helpful for you to consider. I looked at your past diary entries, and also at some of your past posts. Your current and past posts indicate that you're very 'controlling with your calories' and are obviously very critical of your 19-year-old beautiful self. Your diaries show that you very often eat below 1,200 or 1,000 calories (sometimes only 500-800 for the whole day?). I'm not sure if you're logging inaccurately, but if you're serious about strength training and weight lifting, and HEALTHY fat loss - you're really going to have to be more consistent in fueling your body.

    I've been down the eating disorder path, and reading a bit more about you just raised some very familiar red flags in my own head. Again, I may be totally wrong - which is hopefully the case. As someone who's done a considerable amount of damage to herself through anorexia/bulimia, I can tell ya, you only get one body, so please, please take care of it!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i do one sit up every day. i sit up when my alarm goes off, and get my *kitten* to the gym.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Ab's are made in the kitchen first, you cannot eat crap food and expect to get a toned stomach, clean up your diet first