Thought I'd post a before and now picture.
I've lost 27lbs since January and didn't really notice much of a difference other than my trousers were too big. I took a picture the other day to see if I could see a change and you really can! Before After
Wii Zumba
If you're thinking of getting Wii Zumba it's on offer at amazon.co.uk for £19.90, free delivery. I just ordered it so we'll see if I like it or not.
Ey Up!
Hi there! *waves* I thought I'd introduce myself to you. My name is Jodie, I'm 27 and I'm getting married to my gf on the 31st August this year!!! Excited! I've been trying to lose weight since January and I've lost about 21lbs but I need to lose more. I'm hoping myfitnesspal is going to help keep me on track. I live in…