I have been doing INSANITY for the last 30 days and here are my progress pics as promised! First I have to post my original before photo, just so you can see where I started out 5 years ago... :) This photo was taken in September 2006... I was around 200 lbs at 5'4" not a pretty sight... And this was me 30 days ago, the…
Ok so my heart rate monitor has died a sad death, unfortunately following in the foot steps of it's two previous counterparts... I have stuck with Timex for the last 5 yrs, and have gone through 3 watches, and now I am fed up and ready to switch to another brand... leaning toward Suunto but thought I'd hear from other's…
(hoping I did this right) this was me in 2006... I weighed about 200 lbs, I was unhappy, depressed and miserable. Then I decided to do something about it and haven't looked back! this is from last month! I'm about 60 lbs lighter here and loving life a lot more! I'm addicted to working out and try to eat healthy more often…
okay so I am unexpectedly working graveyard tonight (normally I don't) I've been up all day and had my normal amount of meals/snacks/calories-- so does anything I eat while at work go under today (3/24) or tomorrow (3/25)??? hmmmmm....