Hello all. I just joined this group and wanted to say hello and look for people who share my methods of weight loss. I've been on the shakes for a month already and I love them. If anybody needs a support friend or wants to swap shake recipies. Please let me know.
I have heard that losing one pound is like losing 4 sticks of butter. 8 pounds is like a gallon of milk. I'm sure some science buffs might dispute that but for me it's a great visual of what's coming off my body. So when you get discouraged because you only lost a couple of pounds think of it in sticks of butter. Hope this…
Hello all. I'm having a hard time staying strong. I haven't worked out in two weeks and I find myself going over my calorie goal. My husband stopped dieting and wants mcdonalds every night and I'm losing my strength to stay strong. Any advise or motivational quotes would be awesome. Thanks guys!