Low carb-good or bad?
Hello there! Notice I didn't start my question with the word "diet" in it? I believe that the approach should be more life style change than diet. My question is this: I recently ran into a friend who was never really fat but was like me, gaining a few (20) pounds due to slowing down and getting older, and probably…
Low carb-good or bad?
Hello there! Notice I didn't start my question with the word "diet" in it? I believe that the approach should be more life style change than diet. My question is this: I recently ran into a friend who was never really fat but was like me, gaining a few (20) pounds due to slowing down and getting older, and probably…
Going low carb-Pros? Cons?
Hello there! Notice I didn't start my question with the word "diet" in it? I believe that the approach should be more life style change than diet. My question is this: I recently ran into a friend who was never really fat but was like me, gaining a few (20) pounds due to slowing down and getting older, and probably…