Eating healthy with NO time!
I really need some help on this! I'm now working out 6 days a week for an hour - hour and a half but I'm getting more and more tired which I think is due to my diet. I now feel so rushed trying to work a full time job, working out and trying to get all the other necessary things done in my life (my housekeeping has taken a…
What day is everybody on?
P90X for Women!
I just started P90X on Monday and I am definitely feeling it lol I would love to add some friends that are in the same boat for motivation and support. Some people that can honestly say they feel your pain :smile: I'm hoping for some girls but I'm not against guys jumping in! I just know Men and Women will see results…
Share your success and the struggles you have overcome!
Sorta new lol
I've been using the mobile version for a while now off and on but I'm really liking the website! I'm trying to stop being sporadic and make a real change in my lifestyle, here's hoping!