Hey everyone, I've always been generally kind of active, but it wasn't until the past couple years I really dialled in seriously and now love bodybuilding. I was never overweight or very unfit, but it has taken me a lot of hard work to get to where I am today and I feel like I've just started! I've got so much more to…
Hey all, male and female alike I was just wondering if there are any users here that do a bodybuilding/old school approach to weight lifting and if their goals are building muscle, gaining strength and going for that built ripped look. Or even if you're just going for aesthetics. Whatever floats your boat! If so, I was…
Hey all, I've been on and off training for a couple of years, always been generally fit and into sports. I'm 21, in Portsmouth, UK. I'm getting back into some serious training now, I'm keen on heading into bodybuilding territory, physique style. I want to build muscle and get lean, I do a body part training split with a…