Don't mind me
Just putting my tickers in one place to keep track of them
I'm not the smallest, cutest, prettiest, most inshape, I don't have crazy awesome features or an insane sense of humor. I'm not tall or big chested or anything of that matter. But, hell I'm a fighter :] I'm strong and Determined. Now THAT'S something to be jealous of. Stay strong mfp!!!!!
New article plus calculator
For macro fans or those who might be interested! http://strengthinfitness.blogspot.com/2013/01/macros-for-weight-loss.html?m=1 http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/
Weighing in
The scale haunts me, even now I can hear it calling me to inevitable disappointment... How do YOU avoid weighing in?
Any suggestions on calorie intake?
Even after what seems like a lifetime of attempting to figure this out, I can't pinpoint how many calories I need to be eating daily. I've struggled on both ends of the eating scale. I'm neary five feet tall, only half an inch off. And currently weigh in at 111. I'd like to get these last fifteen or so pounds off and…