I want to get my boyfriend some chocolates for V-day, but we are both watching our calories and so I don't want them to be *too* unhealthy. I know dark chocolate is better (and he prefers that kind)... but any specific suggestions? Nothing fancy, I need to be able to get it from a grocery or drugstore. Thanks for help!
Saw a similar post and now I'd like some input on my routine. I go to a class that lasts 60 minutes, two times a week. It includes: Several sets of squats (wide and normal), like 4 sets of 30 in varying speeds (regular, slow mo, hold at bottom, pulse) I use 8 lb weights to do chest presses (about 5 sets of 60), some…
Hi there, I've been on this site a few weeks and been dieting since Jan 2 with great results so far. The forums have been an excellent and entertaining source of information! Today, I had an odd lunch (last night's dinner) and I see I've reached my 25 grams of fiber for the day. Do I need to worry about this as long as I…