EvenThatNameIsTaken Member


  • I go for roasted edamame. I like crunchy stuff, so this works for me, 1 serving (1/4 cup) is 130 cals and has a good amount of protein so will keep you full a bit longer. If I'm feeling like something dessertlike, I'll have some chobani yogurt which is 140 cals. I often eat various 'nutrition bars,' but am eating less of…
  • Honestly I love them just steamed, with some carrots and perhaps mushrooms. It may be boring but it's also a nice gentle way to cook them, and you don't have to add anymore calories with oil or butter. The higher quality the brussel sprouts, the better they will taste without adding more ingredients.
  • GREAT job!! You deserve to feel really good about this, enjoy it!
  • I was still having issues at the gym even after replacing the chest strap battery, though that certainly could be the case for you. I have found a workaround when I'm at the gym that seems to do the trick - I strap my watch to the machine on the handholds right in front of me so that it doesn't move and is pretty close to…
  • Great job, man, and thanks for all the links, the motivational ones are great because often I know what I need to do, it's a matter of my own attitude. I'll be referring back to this post for inspiration, again, Nice Work!!
  • Almost 38, no kids by choice. Feel free to add me if you are actively logging/communicating on MFP. I'm struggling lately, but I'm playing the long game. ;)
  • It's been awhile... and it's Tuesday, but my weight is the same as Monday ;) Jan 13 - 193.6 Jan 20 - 192.8 Jan 27 - 190.0 Feb 3 - 191.8 Feb 10 - 187.6 Feb 17 - 188.2 Feb 24 - 187.2 March 3 - 187.2 (no change for Monday, but weighed new low of 184.4 on Saturday...) lol March 10 - 186.4 March 17 - 184.2 March 24 - 184.8…
  • Thank you so much for this post, OP, and all for the reasoned responses in this thread. Like a previous poster, I have no interest in getting into this discussion with those who says things like 'aspartame is a neurotoxin,' or 'that stuff is bad for you' without any actual evidence to back it up. I drink Diet Coke daily,…
  • Nice post and thank you for the hard data. Just went on a week long vacation and overate every single day (and every meal was delish!!) and was about 4 pounds up... 5 days after my return, back to where I was before I left. It's worth it to enjoy the foods! And doing active vacations (lots of walking, for enjoyment and…
  • Great topic and thanks for starting it. In for great advice and infos.
  • My SO downloaded the MFP app after I was on here a couple weeks and saying positive things about it, and I sent him a FR. I was his only friend and he doesn't use the forum or respond in any way to anything I post (which is fine, we talk about this stuff IRL all the time). So a few weeks ago I unfriended him (mostly to see…
  • Jan 13 - 193.6 Jan 20 - 192.8 Jan 27 - 190.0 Feb 3 - 191.8 Feb 10 - 187.6 Feb 17 - 188.2 Feb 24 - 187.2 March 3 - 187.2 (no change for Monday, but weighed new low of 184.4 on Saturday...) lol March 10 - 186.4 March 17 - 184.2 March 24 - 184.8 (sick, ate at maintenance) March 31 - 185.6 (TOM) April 7 - 182.4 April 14 - 181.2
  • thank you so much!!! :laugh:
  • April 1: 1.6 miles April 2: .5 mile April 3: rest April 4: 2.5 miles April 5: rest April 6: 2.5 miles April 7: 1 mile April 8: 2 miles April 9: 4.45 miles
  • April 1: 1.6 miles April 2: .5 mile April 3: rest April 4: 2.5 miles April 5: rest April 6: 2.5 miles April 7: 1 mile
  • Jan 13 - 193.6 Jan 20 - 192.8 Jan 27 - 190.0 Feb 3 - 191.8 Feb 10 - 187.6 Feb 17 - 188.2 Feb 24 - 187.2 March 3 - 187.2 (no change for Monday, but weighed new low of 184.4 on Saturday...) lol March 10 - 186.4 March 17 - 184.2 March 24 - 184.8 (sick, ate at maintenance) March 31 - 185.6 (TOM) April 7 - 182.4 Happy Monday…
  • Saw this today, thought it would add to the conversation and support the idea that saturated fats are not "bad": http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2014/03/31/295719579/rethinking-fat-the-case-for-adding-some-into-your-diet Quoted from the article: (links in the article to studies) ""When you put all of this together," says…
  • I definitely know how you feel :) I often have the urge to reduce my calories because I just want to get the weight off! I have to constantly remind myself that the way I am going about it is just fine and healthy and, I am not suffering for it, which is the most important part. I do definitely get impatient, so it's a…
  • First day! April 1: 1.6 miles (treadmill)
  • Jealous of you treadmill deskers! hehe. Does anyone want to recommend any particular treadmill desks or treadmills that work well with desks? Someday I'd love to have one, but definitely curious which brands may be better and/or lower cost than others. I saw an adjustable height desk at a furniture store the other day but…
  • mushrooms, brussel sprouts, butternut squash, kale, arugula, bell peppers don't forget yummy avocados.. higher in calories but sooo yummy. :)
  • Came across this article tonight, giving it a good read myself. Seems legit: http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/fats-full-story/
  • I'd be curious to know if there is a general recommended daily allowance for mono and poly-unsaturated fats? Then we could customize the amounts of those fats in the Goals>Custom section. I'll post back if I find anything but I imagine there is a reason MFP leaves it blank, i.e. lot of disagreement perhaps? dunno. (ETA: it…
  • GOAL MET! :happy: March 1 - 3.1 miles March 2 - 2 miles March 3 - off March 4 - 1.6 miles March 5 - 1 mile March 6 - 2 miles March 7 - 4.1 miles March 8 - 4.1 miles March 9 - 1 mile March 10 - 3.25 miles March 11 - off March 12 - 1 mile March 13 - 1.1 mile March 14 - 1 mile March 15 - sick March 16 - sick March 17 - sick…
  • Excellent :) I'll be joining in again this month, thanks for keeping it going! Going for 50 miles again this month.
  • March 1 - 3.1 miles March 2 - 2 miles March 3 - off March 4 - 1.6 miles March 5 - 1 mile March 6 - 2 miles March 7 - 4.1 miles March 8 - 4.1 miles March 9 - 1 mile March 10 - 3.25 miles March 11 - off March 12 - 1 mile March 13 - 1.1 mile March 14 - 1 mile March 15 - sick March 16 - sick March 17 - sick March 18 - .75 mile…
  • honestly i just love it steamed with brussel sprouts. yummmmm. butternut squash-ginger soup is great too!
  • March 1 - 3.1 miles March 2 - 2 miles March 3 - rest day March 4 - 1.6 miles March 5 - 1 mile March 6 - 2 miles March 7 - 4.1 miles March 8 - 4.1 miles March 9 - 1 mile March 10 - 3.25 miles March 11 - rest day March 12 - 1 mile March 13 - 1.1 mile March 14 - 1 mile March 15 - sick March 16 - sick March 17 - sick March 18…
  • I believe I have successfully treated my sitting disease! I have a desk career and have spent years and years seated, plus a lot of my free time is at a desk, so I was sitting ALL the TIME. I have converted to a standing desk just earlier this month (was thinking about it for about 2 years), I have a fitbit that keeps me…
  • I had a whopper with fries today. I also went over my calories today. ;) Wendy's has some go wraps that are pretty decent, Taco Bell 3 crunchy tacos is like 500 cals.