Any Overcoming Sitting Disease Success Stories (no kidding)



  • milliwatha
    milliwatha Posts: 5 Member
    I started standing at work. I recently found a site that calculates the calories you burn standing while working. I lost 1 lb in two weeks and that encouraged me to get back on my workout plan.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I definitely have this. I have to be better. So glad you posted this. Awareness is a great catalyst!

    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • LozPenguin
    LozPenguin Posts: 139 Member
    bump for later :)
  • jdr999
    jdr999 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm actually finding it easier to walk while I work than to stand. At least for me, standing in one place for a long period of time is tedious. You shift your weight back and forth, prop your leg on something, lean on something else, and generally just exhibit poor posture.

    My treadmill desk is a very different animal altogether. I've had it a few months and generally only walk at 1.2 - 1.4 mph, but over a few hours it adds up quickly. I can easily rack up a few miles of walking a day while still being productive.

    Sure fresh air is nice, but just think of all the time we spend at a computer.. Imagine doing the same thing you normally do -- working, surfing, youtube, etc. - but also being able to add a few hours of exercise to MFP for free! :smile:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I resisted the idea of a standing desk, because I know I have terrible posture -- I usually stand in stork pose :laugh: or with one hip cocked out. I also didn't think I'd be able to stand on my feet for too long -- I know what standing around is like, I cook. :smile:

    I got a Lifespan treadmill desk, and it has made all the difference in the world. Not only is a 10,000 step day my baseline now, but the light strolling pace takes some pressure off my lower back.

    (I know a treadmill desk isn't possible for everyone, but I have definitely joined the cult and recommend those who can get one!)

    "Stork pose" :laugh: :drinker: :laugh: You rock...gonna have to try that "stork pose" for sure!
  • youngamber82
    youngamber82 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm slowly trying to win. First thing was I got a Fitbit. I realized that on a normal day I actually walked less than 1000 steps.

    So I decided to stop calling if I could get up and talk face to face instead. I did that and my steps jumped to 5000 a day. Then I worked on getting them to 7500 everyday. Then 10 flights of stairs.

    How fabulous of you...thanks so much for posting. :drinker: I saw a fitbit just yesterday and I've been talking about getting one for a couple of years now--but that tiny thing, with the big price...I keep passing it up.

    Trust me, the price is worth it. I paid $50 for mine and I have added so many steps to my daily routine. It ends up being fun. it is like a game: How Many Steps Can I Do Today?" and I love when I beat the previous days amount of steps. It is way worht it and you can even sync it with MFP.
  • ktaylormusic
    ktaylormusic Posts: 151 Member
    have to vouch for the fitbit too as worth it. way better and more motivating than other pedometers for its online dashboard and community, ease of use, and integration with MFP.
    best little gizmo ever.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I have an exercise ball at work that I use as a chair (not all the time but I should). I try to make myself get up and walk around as often as possible and often take laps around the building. At home I have my laptop on the kitchen counter and stand while using it. I very rarely watch T.V. as I don't have time. When I do things like take my kids to the park or soccer practice I don't sit and watch, I walk around or play with them. And yeah, I lift and ride my bike when I can.
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    I converted my desk into a standing work station. Problem solved! I've been standing to work for almost a year.
  • ShellyAnn46
    ShellyAnn46 Posts: 212 Member
    thanks milliwatha for listing - had never heard of that & now will keep track at my motorized sit/stand desk.
  • ShellyAnn46
    ShellyAnn46 Posts: 212 Member
    bump - want to reread - people have great suggestions
  • kittybenn
    kittybenn Posts: 444 Member
    I'm a Fitbit Zip person and it's definitely helped me be more conscious of how much I'm sitting. I work at home and just sit, sit, sit. One thing that helps me is setting a timer on my phone to go off every 50 mins to 1 hour. When that happens, I try to get up and put 1,000 steps on the Zip. Do that faithfully during the work day and I've racked up some steps. Sometimes, though, if I'm busy or on the phone, I ignore the timer and forget to reset it. Not good. I'm a whole lot better than I used to be, though. The other thing I do is set a timer for 10 mins and do upper and/or lower body resistance training, like curls, presses, etc.
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    Sounds alot like me.
  • EvenThatNameIsTaken
    EvenThatNameIsTaken Posts: 164 Member
    Jealous of you treadmill deskers! hehe. Does anyone want to recommend any particular treadmill desks or treadmills that work well with desks? Someday I'd love to have one, but definitely curious which brands may be better and/or lower cost than others. I saw an adjustable height desk at a furniture store the other day but it was almost $800!

    Great thread with lots of great info, thanks all!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I have it!

    But my post at my job is changing in April! My new post, while more stressful, will require me to be and moving and even outside part of the day. I am thankful for that because I am not at ALL looking forward to me post change ! :(

    YAY :flowerforyou: Don't you just LOVE how bad news can equal good news (making lemonade outta lemons in life)...if you have the right attitude? I'm discovering that more and more all the time!!!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I've been standing more for the past couple of weeks than I have in years. :drinker: Also doing squats more (I'm standing while surfing the web more daily too and even while and typing this). It's a HUGE difference and I definitely feel it in my back and legs and in my tummy--kinda feels like my body feels after moderate exercising. Standing while surfing the web and lounging/bumming around is also really making a difference than sitting and surfing too--for the past couple of weeks instead of dropping a percentage of pounds (as I've been doing forever--well, at least for the past year or so--like down .02, .04, .06, .08 pounds) whole pounds are coming off instead for the past couple of weeks--I LIKE THAT :drinker: . Is this due to purposely standing more than sitting? I dunno, but I'm going to keep at it--how about you?

    Here's some other ideas that may help us:

    Rise Up Against Sitting Disease
    22 easy ways to add healthy movement to your everyday routine.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    thanks milliwatha for listing - had never heard of that & now will keep track at my motorized sit/stand desk.

    YES! Thanks milwatha and YOU too for posting this....I missed this link somehow, and am just seeing this link too and I love this and need it too--perfect help for me! :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    hmm... let me sit down and think on that one...
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    Jealous of you treadmill deskers! hehe. Does anyone want to recommend any particular treadmill desks or treadmills that work well with desks? Someday I'd love to have one, but definitely curious which brands may be better and/or lower cost than others. I saw an adjustable height desk at a furniture store the other day but it was almost $800!

    Great thread with lots of great info, thanks all!

    I got the Lifespan 1200, which IS expensive BUT:

    1)it's built to be a walking treadmill, so it has a tiny motor designed to go for hours and hours at a slow speed. (In my case, btw 4-6 hours a day at 2.0 miles an hour.) Bigger, hardcore treadmills are designed to go faster for much less time. So you CAN burn out the motor on a bigger treadmill.

    2)It's designed to be a desk. And it's a big, awesome, sturdy desk at that. No problem putting my Macbook and a giant 27" screen on here, with room left over for the papers I'm letting pile up.

    3)It's easy to adjust to the proper height. This is IMPORTANT. Please take the ergonomics of your work setup seriously!

    4)I'm not crafty. I'm not the person who buys the clothes-hanger treadmill off someone on Craigslist and then whips up a desk to go over it. If I had to rely on my carpentry skills for anything, I would have died 20+ years ago of starvation. And I wouldn't have walked the couple of hundred miles I've walked since January.

    5)Lifespan has TERRIFIC customer service. I'm not affiliated with them or getting kickbacks, I'm simply thrilled with them.
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