8 weeks to optimum health
So I'm going on this big trip in 10 weeks, plus it's my birthday in 9, so I've embarked on a kick start to the year, with Dr.Weil'd "8 weeks to Optimum Health Book" as a general motivator (see on Amazon:http://www.amazon.com/Optimum-Program-Advantage-Natural-Healing/dp/0679447156) He does a pretty good job discussing…
Tips for healthy late night snacks?
So my absolute weakness is eating in the evening. I go crazy if I don't have some sort of snack as I usually work late into the night and need some food encouragement. I usually drink herbal tea with honey as that is very low calories, but like to drink it with something that isn't too bad for you, many times failing in…
How often do you weigh yourself?
Weighing yourself every day seems excessive, plus the water weight and daily fluctuation doesn't help. I like to weight myself once a week, or once every 2 weeks if I feel like I wasn't consistent enough to get a more fair average of my differences. How about you? p.s. add me, i just started! fresh motivation here!