8 weeks to optimum health

So I'm going on this big trip in 10 weeks, plus it's my birthday in 9, so I've embarked on a kick start to the year, with Dr.Weil'd "8 weeks to Optimum Health Book" as a general motivator (see on Amazon:http://www.amazon.com/Optimum-Program-Advantage-Natural-Healing/dp/0679447156)

He does a pretty good job discussing overal holistic health, not just the body but also the mind, spirit, and internal organs. I like learning about the whole picture, not just focusing on numbers/weight or nutrition. He breaks it down with recipes that are easy to try, simple goals like breathing and walking more, and bringing more awareness to the body. He suggest supplements, but I'm refraining from those for now.

Anybody had any experience with Dr.Weil before? If you'd like to add me and join on this journey, feel free! Happy 2014!