I don't know what is going on. Last week, I decided to go on a little vacation to Colorado. I admit, I ate quite a bit there, but I only gained two pounds max, so my new weight was 172. After my trip, I got myself back at the gym, mainly doing 4-mile cardios. After a week back on the treadmill, I noticed I gained 4 pounds.…
Hello, everyone! About a month ago, I stopped losing weight for some reason and that gave me the motivation to go harder and start eating less. The hard work paid off, as I managed to lose at least 5 more pounds within the last 2 weeks. This week, however, I started to notice sharp pains on my heel. As much as I want to…
I'm starting to get really frustrated. I started my goal to lose around 40 pounds back in January and I started off great. I joined the gym and started doing cardio exercises in hopes of reaching my goal of 150 pounds. From January to April, I lost about 11 pounds and it gave me the motivation to just keep going at it. In…